

烟不出火不进对应英文:No fire without smoke
烟不出火不进,拼为yān bù chū huǒ bù jìn,形容人慢性子,不爱说话。
                烟不出火不进   拼音: yān bù chū huǒ bù jìn 简拼: ybcj   近义词:  反义词:    用法:     解释: 形容人慢性子,不爱说话。   出处:    例子:    谒后语:     谜语:     成语故事:     相关成语   烟不出火不进        

根据年月出台的《国家烟草专卖局关于旅客异地携带卷烟实行限量的通知》第一条规定旅客异地携带国产烟以条(支)为限,外国烟以条(支)为限。二者合计不得...对应英文:According to the date of introduction of the "State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau on the passenger transported cigarette limited the implementation of notification" provisions to carry passengers in the first homebred smoke (Branch) to limit, foreign cigarettes to (a). Two may not be together...

当然可以 数额又不大 也不是违禁品对应英文:Of course the amount and large nor contraband

此木柴进火土灶,因火成烟 山石岩出白水泉,亏水去污。 此木柴进火土灶,因火成烟 山石岩出白水泉,将水做浆。对应英文:The wood into the fire stoves, because igneous rocks white smoke Rock Springs, water deficit. The wood into the fire stoves, because igneous rocks and rock springs out white smoke, do the slurry water.

的足不出户的恶劣天气。但是,诗句的后半部分,作者通过自然景色抒发的情感,却是积极向上的,作者通过'千...炎炎进火不住添。要晓得通红无焰烟。须管莫亏折,斤两依然。...对应英文:The bad weather remain within doors. However, in the latter part of the poem, the natural scenery to express emotion, is positive, the 'thousand... The fire not to live. To know that red flameless cigarette. Must tube Mo loss, weight still. ...

普通旅客带的国产烟不超过条(支),外国烟不超过条(支)。二者都带的话,合计不超过条(支)。根据年的烟草专卖最新规定如果你有烟草专卖局出具的证明最...对应英文:Ordinary passenger with domestic tobacco does not exceed a (a), foreign cigarettes does not exceed a (branch). The two all with words, not exceeding a total (branch). According to the new provisions of the tobacco monopoly years if you have the certificates issued by the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau's...

烟波浩渺 烟波雾霭苍茫的水面浩渺水面辽阔。形容烟雾笼罩的江湖水面广阔无边。烟不出火不进 形容人慢性子,不爱说话。烟断火绝 指人烟灭绝。烟飞星散 形容离散。...对应英文:A wide expanse of mist-covered waters the vast vast vast surface of the water mist. Describe the smog of lake water is boundless. No fire without smoke into people slow, didn't love talk. Yanduanhuojue refers to sparsely extinction. Yanfeixingsan describe discrete. ...

如堕烟海 如堕烟雾 乌烟瘴气 乌烟瘴气 雾锁烟迷 烟波钓徒 烟波钓徒 烟波浩渺 烟不出火不进 烟断火绝 烟飞星散 烟霏雾集 烟霏雨散 烟花风月 烟聚波属 烟视媚行 烟蓑雨...对应英文:As if lost in a fog Ruduoyanwu The atmosphere was foul. The atmosphere was foul. Wusuoyanmi Yanbodiaotu Yanbodiaotu a wide expanse of mist-covered waters smoke not not fire into the Yanduanhuojue Yanfeixingsan Yanfeiwuji Yanfeiyusan Yanhuafengyue Yanjuboshu give a swift glance and practise fawning smoke fire rain...

烟波浩渺 烟波雾霭苍茫的水面浩渺水面辽阔。形容烟雾笼罩的江湖水面广阔无边。 烟不出火不进 形容人慢性子,不爱说话。 烟断火绝 指人烟灭绝。 烟飞星散 形容离散...对应英文:A wide expanse of mist-covered waters the vast vast vast surface of the water mist. Describe the smog of lake water is boundless. No fire without smoke into people slow, didn't love talk. Yanduanhuojue refers to sparsely extinction. Yanfeixingsan describe discrete...

烟波浩淼 烟波浩渺 烟不出火不进 烟断火绝 烟飞星散 烟霏雾集 烟霏雨散 烟花风月 烟聚波属 烟视媚行 烟蓑雨笠 烟霞痼疾 烟消火灭 烟消雾散 烟消云散 烟销灰灭 烟炎张...对应英文:The vastness of a wide expanse of mist-covered waters smoke not not fire into Yanduanhuojue Yanfeixingsan Yanfeiwuji Yanfeiyusan Yanhuafengyue Yanjuboshu give a swift glance and practise fawning live in seclusion deep-rooted love for natural charms The smoke drifted away vanish in a flash disappear in smoke were wiped out smoke inflammation zhang...

纸落云烟 形容落笔轻捷,挥洒自如。 一溜烟 形容跑得很快。 烟不出火不进 形容人慢性子,不爱说话。 烟视媚行 烟视微视媚行慢行。形容害羞不自然的样子。 烟霞痼疾...对应英文:Zhiluoyunyan describe write nimble, write and draw freely as one wishes. Swiftly describe run very fast. No fire without smoke into people slow, didn't love talk. Give a swift glance and practise fawning smoke as micro Mei for slow. Describe the shy is not natural. To be keen on mountains and rivers has become and unalterable favourite hobby.


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