

同行hang不同路对应英文:Peer hang different road

大将将战将大战 (大将(第四声)将(第一声)战将(第一声)大战对应英文:The general will war war (general (fourth) the (first) fighter (first voice) War

释义同行业,同行业者 例句同行是冤家。 释义.同路 例句携手同行 .联合行动 例句存谦卑的心,与你的上帝同行。对应英文:Interpretation of the same industry, with the industry peer is the enemy. Paraphrase. Road. Walk hand in hand. The joint action of humility, and your god.

)还是同(,第二声)同小明是一名音乐家,而小刚则是他的同行同同行的歌手跟着蒙古同胞也哼起了歌曲。望采纳啊对应英文:(second) is the same, sound) with Xiaoming is a musician, and I is the singer his fellow peers with Mongolia compatriots also sing a song. Hope to adopt

"同行" .. 从同行到对手 -- 关于科学秘密化的思考对应英文:Thoughts on "peer".. from peers to rivals -- about the secret of Science

同行 一起走的意思 本意是"一起度过"对应英文:Peer go meaning is intended to "spend"

() () 《阴阳路与鬼同行》 …… ( ) () 《人肉叉烧包Ⅱ之天诛地灭》 ...对应英文:() () "Yin and Yang Lu and ghost counterparts"...... () () "stand condemned by God human Baozi Stuffed with BBQ Pork II"...

同行, 同行业,同行业者的意思.。, 同路的意思。 可改成我们一路同行的歌手。或我们歌手的同行。对应英文:Counterparts, with the industry, with the industry mean. The same way, meaning. Can be changed into the way we fellow singer. Or we singer counterparts.

,二声 我十分的确定对应英文:I am very sure, two sound

同行()表示一同行进,并肩作战对应英文:Peer () said to travel, alongside



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