

下者未必愚对应英文:Are not stupid

我觉得是身居高官或要职的未必一定都是贤能之士,而平常百姓和下职的也未必都是无能之辈。对应英文:I think it is a senior official or important positions not necessarily virtuous and talented scholar, and ordinary people, and vocational also are not necessarily incompetent.

言过其实,终无大用。 知识愈浅,自信愈深。   讷讷寡言者未必愚,喋喋利口者未必智。   宽阔的河平静,博学的人谦虚。 秀才不怕衣衫破,就怕肚子没有货。   ...对应英文:Exaggerate, end of no great use. Knowledge is shallow, confident and more deep. Slow silent is not fool, chatter is not wisdom. The broad river calm, wise people humble. The scholar is not afraid of clothes break, afraid stomach no goods. ...

金张世禄原宪贤,牛衣寒贱貂蝉贵。   貂蝉与牛衣,高下虽有殊。   高者未必贤,下者未必愚。   君不见沉沉海底生珊瑚,历历天上种白榆!对应英文:Jin Zhang Shilu yuan Xian Xian, cattle clothing humble Diao Changui. Diao Chan and cattle clothing, although it up. High is not virtuous, are not stupid. Do you not see the heavy sea corals, clear sky white elm!

的说话是不切实际的,没有丝毫用处,知识越是浅陋的人,越爱好表现自己,少说话的人并不见得是愚蠢的,喋喋不休,说得天花乱坠的人未见得就是很聪明。对应英文:The speech is unrealistic, no good, knowledge is more shallow people, more like himself, who speak little is not stupid, chatter without stop, it as if it were raining flowers are not is very clever.

人家是说了也不一定做,我却是做了也不一定说。 呐呐寡言者未必愚,喋喋不休者未必智。 大辩若讷,大巧若拙,... 常看得自家未必是,他人未必非,便有长进再看得他人皆有可取...对应英文:They are said to also do not do, but I do not say. Shout silence is not fool, chatter without stop is not wisdom. Cats hide their paws., great, often see their own... Is not necessarily, others may not, will grow to see others are desirable...

呐呐寡言者未必愚,喋喋不休者未必智。 大辩若讷,大巧若拙,大勇若怯,大智若愚,吾师乎。 口是伤人斧,舌是割心刀,闭口深藏舌,安身处处牢。 良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月...对应英文:Shout silence is not fool, chatter without stop is not wisdom. Cats hide their paws., great, Dayongruoqie, still water runs deep, love it. Export wounding axe, tongue is heart cutting knife, closed deep tongue, prison shall everywhere. Winter three sentence statement abusable, June...

还是陆贽说得好"讷讷寡言者未必愚,喋喋利口者未必智,鄙朴忤逆者未必悖,承顺惬可者未必忠对应英文:Or article saying "slow silence is not fool, chattering liqueur is not wisdom, despise Pu disobedience is not moral, not loyalty can Chengshun

然向使数百人者,叶心戮力,齐奋而共击之,亦未必不胜脱令不胜,犹当不至于此,此吾所以又叹也。虽然,古之不量事力,奋区区之忠,以排难救人为已任,而困于 无助,以至碎首折...对应英文:However, if several hundred people, leaf heart hard, Qi Fen and total hit, also not be off to be, and when not this, this I sighed again also. Although, the ancient not amount of work force, Fen a loyalty, to save for any issues, trapped in the helpless, and even broken first...

、本文批驳的错误观点"旁观者清"即旁观者看问题清楚 、"究竟"不能去掉。"一点"的意思是"完全"。、批驳"旁观者"没有主人翁精神,忘记了自己是个中国...对应英文:This paper refutes the wrong view, "A bystander is always clear-minded." is clear, "onlookers see what" cannot be removed. "A little" means "total". Refuting the "bystander", not the master spirit, forget oneself is a Chinese...

但是历史的经验却告诉我们有志者未必事竟成。 有志者,事未必竟成。自古立志者颇多,但滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。历史的胜利者总是少数,他们以胜利者的姿态宣扬"...对应英文:But the historical experience tells us that there is not a way. Where there is a will, it may not become. Since ancient times, to many, but the East billowing Yangtze River water, spray hero. The history of the winner is always a minority, they proclaim victorious"...


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