

鸟过天无痕对应英文:But no trace of birds

两种理解方式吧,我认为一种是所谓的坚强的躯壳下一颗破碎的心,外面看完好无损,实际上已经碎的不堪一击另一种是真正的悲伤是看不见的其实两者还是有共同点的~看你想怎...对应英文:Two ways of understanding it, I think is a so-called strong body of a broken heart, outside reading sound, has actually broken cannot withstand a single blow another is really sad is invisible but the two have something in common. Do you want to do...

这也是电影《纵横四海》里的一句台词,意思是男女那事完后没有留下什么痕迹。对应英文:This is the movie "freely the four seas" in a sentence, meaning that men and women after left no traces of what.

枫叶如丹,岁月似歌. 黄河象,长江水. 东去山明水秀.西来天高地远.对应英文:The maple leaf as Dan, years like song. The elephant in the Yellow River, the Yangtze River water to the east to the West. The picturesque scenery. From day heights

帆过浪无痕贾岛一首五律里的句子,全诗如下登江亭晚望 浩渺浸云根,烟岚没远村。 鸟归沙有迹,帆过浪无痕。 望水知柔性,看山欲倦魂。 纵情犹未已,回马欲黄昏。对应英文:Sail past the waves without mark Jia Dao a poem sentence in the poem is as follows, Deng Jiang Ting late Wang vast leaching cloud root, not far from the village of haze. The bird to the sand track, sail past the waves no trace. The water looked know flexible, see hill to tired soul. All Judah did not have, back to dusk.

呵,很有趣的问题! 每个人都希望广交朋友吧但是真正的朋友并不需要多不是吗 网上交的朋友也许有的可以成为真正的好朋友,但是几率还是很小! 把心放在身边吧 身边的人...对应英文:Oh, an interesting question! Everyone wants to make friends. But only true friends don't need not do online friends maybe some can become good friends, but the probability is very small! Put your heart in the people around me...

我们老师讲的是帆过水无痕,这是一首诗对应英文:Our teacher is telling the sail over the water without a trace, this is a poem

鸟归沙有迹,帆过浪无痕。 望水知柔性,看山欲断魂。纵情犹未已,回马欲黄昏。对应英文:The bird to the sand track, sail past the waves no trace. The water looked know flexible, see mountain deep sorrow. All Judah did not have, back to dusk.

走兽对飞禽,鱼唇对鹿角,虎爪对龙鳞. 杨柳岸,杏花村,白雪对红云,鸟归沙有迹,帆过水无痕. 晴对雨,暑对寒,天地对山川, 鱼虫对草木,旷野对平原. 二月柳,九秋莲,露草对霜菅...对应英文:The birds beasts, fish lips of antlers, claws on the dragon scale. The willow shore, Xinghuacun, snow white to red cloud, birds return sand track, sail over the water without a trace. The fine rain, summer heat to the cold, the world of mountains and rivers, fish and insects on vegetation, desert plain. February to Liu, 9 autumn Ephraim, dew grass on the frost kan...

帆过水无痕 ----------------------------- 全文 童趣 天对地,雨对风, 大陆对长空,山花对海树,赤日对苍穹. 秋月白,晚霞红, 水饶对云横,雨中山果落,灯下草虫鸣. 耕对犊,...对应英文:Sail over the water without mark position the childish days on earth, rain on the wind, the sky, the sea, flowers on the tree, red day on blue sky. The white, red sunset, water Rao on cloud cross, the rain mountain fruit drop, light grass insects. Tillage on calf,...

鸟归沙有迹,帆过浪无痕。 望水知柔性,看山欲倦魂。纵情犹未已,回马欲黄昏。 登江亭晚望 贾岛 全唐诗对应英文:The bird to the sand track, sail past the waves no trace. The water looked know flexible, see hill to tired soul. All Judah did not have, back to dusk. Deng Jiang Ting late Wang Jia Dao of Tang Dynasty


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