

生孩容易养孩难对应英文:Easy to keep a child to have children

这主要是养的人什么态度。如果特别疼爱,当然什么都给最好的,如果只是当成看门狗,自然不管他吃饱饿肚,生病也没人知道。现在的小孩还不是一样,父母溺爱,拼命花钱供书教...对应英文:This is mainly a person what attitude. If love, of course, what are the best, if only as a watchdog, natural whether he eat hungry belly, sick nobody knows. Now the child is not the same, their parents, and was spending money for books to teach...

不生孩子的好处.不会被孩子所拖累,有时间想去哪里玩就去哪里玩,不用担心孩子的所以问题。 .经济宽余,养孩子省下来的钱,够每年旅游的,出国的都差不多了。 .还有操...对应英文:No child benefits. Not be dragged down by children, have time to think about where to go to where to play, not to worry about the child's so. Raising children. Well-off, money saved, enough to travel abroad every year, almost all. There are exercises...

因胎儿肩膀较大,如不先侧剪,届时分娩困难,容易影响胎儿,这个过程要先准备好,保持顺产时迅速完成。胎头一出,就能将胎儿拿出。事先会打点麻醉的,不要过于担忧!到正规医...对应英文:Because the fetal shoulder great, if not the first side cut, then a difficult delivery, easy to affect the fetus, this process to prepare, maintain vaginal delivery completed quickly. Fetal head out, will be able to fetal out. Prior management of anesthesia, don't worry too much about the regular medicine...

别激动。 他们和你开玩笑的啦。对应英文:Don't get excited. They make fun of you.

其实说说容易做起来难,我们的孩子现在两岁两个月了,从怀孕到现在只做过次爱。 感觉和老婆成了远亲对应英文:It is easy to say but hard to do, our children are two years and two months, from conception to now only done once loved. Feeling and wife became distant relatives

他好好谈谈你的想法,他不会不顾你的感受,也不会不负责任,如果他不爱你,就要勇敢一点离开他,孩子的抚养问题根据你自己的情况,如果你有能力抚养,就自己养,以后辛苦点,或...对应英文:He talk about your ideas, he would not ignore your feelings, not irresponsible, if he don't love you, is to be brave to leave him, child custody issues according to your own situation, if you have the ability to raise, they raise their own, after the hard points, or...

四季碧绿,叶形奇特,株形庄重,栽培容易,管理简便。宜于盆栽,可陈设于阳台上或在室内几桌上点缀,显得十分清秀典雅。树冠挺拔秀丽,茎叶碧绿,顶生白色花朵,十分清雅别致。...对应英文:Four Seasons Green, peculiar shape, shape solemn, cultivation easy, easy to management. For the pot, can be displayed on the balcony or in the indoor tables dotted, very beautiful and elegant. Tall and straight and beautiful crown, stem and leaf green, apex white flowers, very elegant chic. ...

阴阳差错,但恐夫妻不睦。坐水库通根身旺,坐下有劫财生食,食神制杀,身旺用杀,主贵。壬辰日为壬骑龙背,亥时生,为龙归大海,主大贵,午时龙死为下等。对应英文:Yin and Yang error, but the fear of marital discord. Sit reservoir with roots as Wang, sit down and robbing the raw food, Cooking Preparation kill, Wang used to kill your main body. Ren Chen, nonyl riding Longbei, Hai, for the Dragon belongs to the sea, the LORD your, noon dragon die for.

岁之后,本就容易患上胃病、胆囊炎、肺病、肾病、高血压等疾病,而怀孕更增加了患病机会。在这个年龄段,妇...分娩时顺产的机会就比较小,容易发生难产,产后并发症也多,...对应英文:Years later, the risk of stomach, lung disease, cholecystitis, nephropathy, hypertension and other diseases, and increased risk of pregnancy. At this age, women in childbirth delivery... Opportunity is relatively small, easy occurrence of dystocia, complications of multiple,...

红箭,凤尾,每月下一次小鱼崽对应英文:The red arrows, Phoenix, monthly next fish cubs


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