

拿人的手短对应英文:Take short hand

故事是这样的 的东西 每当十五的时候 学校门口的鲁迅像的眼睛就会动 所有教学楼都会停电 楼梯会从原来的...在他晕过去的前一秒钟 他瞥见小的手表 指针停在了点... 就...对应英文:This is the story of things when the school gate when the fifteen Lu Xun like eyes will move all the teaching building will cut the stairs from the original... He fainted during a second before he caught sight of a small pointer watch stopped at... It...

拿人家的东西了,就不要再对人家动手动脚了。 引申意思就是收了别人的好处,就不好不帮别人办事。 楼上的正解。对应英文:Take other people's things, don't they touch. Extended meaning for the benefits of others, not just to help others. Positive solutions.

是拿人的手软,吃人的嘴短.拿了别人的东西或受了好处,就要对别人客气点或者要为别人完成某件事。这是谚语,老百姓生活中发掘的智慧的结晶,民间传来传去自然就传开了,...对应英文:It is soft, man eating mouth short. Take things from others or benefit, will be polite to others or to do something for others. This is the crystallization of the wisdom of proverbs, found in the life of ordinary people, folk passed natural spread,...

拿人的手短,吃人的嘴软,说的是一个人如果沾了人家的便宜,即使人家有缺点或者错误也就不敢说、不敢管了。 这句话对掌握一定权力的行政或者执法部门的人来说最对症。...对应英文:Take short hand, eat zuiruan, say that if a person with the advantage of people, even if they have shortcomings or mistakes also dare not say, can not control. This sentence to acquire a certain power of administrative or law enforcement people most symptomatic. ...

千万不要再社会上受女色或者金钱的诱惑,那就叫吃人嘴软,拿人手短,也可以理解为世界上没有免费的午餐,也不要有一颗贪婪的心。人心不足蛇吞象的道理不言而喻了对应英文:Don't the society by the woman or the temptation of money, it is called eat soft in the mouth, with the manpower short, also can be understood as the no free lunch in the world, also do not have a greedy heart. Which tries to swallow an elephant truth self-evident

总的说就是拿了别人的好处就得帮着别人做事,而且也不好说不愿意我没这样的经验但我知道只要得了别人的好处、或者别人帮了你什么大忙那这人情就郁闷了。对应英文:The general said that took the benefits of others to help people to do things, but also not to say that I do not want to no such experience but I know if I have the good of others, or others to help you out that what this human was depressed.

不好乱吃人家给的东西~不好乱收人家给的东西~对应英文:Don't eat the somebody else give things ~ no good charging people for anything

就是你得了别人的好处,就欠了人家一个人情,要在适当的时候回报给人家。至于占便宜的人,你不能改变别人的性格,他就是爱占便宜你也没办法,你只能调节自己的心态,他爱占...对应英文:You got the good of others, we owe him a favor, will at the appropriate time to return to the people. As taking advantage of people, you can't change people's character, he is the love advantage you can't, you can only adjust their mentality, his love for...

单纯这句话的意思是指拿了别人的东西,收了别人的礼,也就欠了别人的人情,别人如果拜托他办事,他就不得不办了,就不得不还他的人情了。但如果有人这么对你这么说,有可能...对应英文:The simple meaning of this sentence is that took other people's things, accept others gift, also owe others. Others, if please him, he had to do, had to have his favor. But if someone told you so say, likely...

你要是收了别人钱~办事的时候是不是会照顾一些他呢~对应英文:If you accept others money ~ service Is it right? Will take care of him


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