

事不关己高挂起对应英文:NIMBY high up

问题"事不关己,高高挂起"是什么意思 答ì ù ā ǐ,ā ā à ǐ .解释认为事情与己无关,把它搁在一边不管。 .出处毛泽东《反对自由主义》"事不关己...对应英文:The question "what is the meaning of my NIMBY," replied ì í ā ì Ji, ā ā à ì Ji. Explain that things had nothing to do, put it aside. Source of Mao Zedong. "" "NIMBY oppose liberalism...

来源毛泽东《反对自由主义》"事不关己,高高挂起明知不对,少说为佳明哲保身,但求无过。这是第三种。"个人认为等同于各人自扫门前雪,休管他人瓦上霜与己无关的事情...对应英文:Source of Mao Zedong "oppose liberalism" "NIMBY, hang up not knowing, you better be worldly-wise and play safe, but no. This is the third. "People think is equivalent to the mind one's own business, off of others on the cream tile has nothing to do with it...

不劳而获,手高眼低,异想天开,事不关己高挂起贪赃枉法,弄虚作假,矫揉造作,随心所欲,视金钱不为粪土(凡是中华成语词典中的贬义词都可以说明)对应英文:Unearned, fastidious but incompetent, indulge in the wildest fantasy, NIMBY high hang take bribes and bend the law, resort to deceit, artificial, arbitrary, as the money not for dung (usually the Chinese idiom dictionary in a pejorative can explain)

成语事不关己,高高挂起 【解释】认为事情与己无关,把它搁在一边不管。- 汉 典 . -- 【出处】毛泽东《反对自由主义》"事不关己,高高挂起明知不对,少说为佳...对应英文:The idiom NIMBY [explain], things that had nothing to do, put it aside. Chinese dictionary. -- [source] Mao Zedong "oppose liberalism" "NIMBY, hang up not knowing, keep your mouth shut...

反之,就算是发生在身边的不安全事件,他也会 "事不关己,高高挂起",更不会从中吸取教训。安全--这两个字不仅仅是高挂在现场的警示语,更应该深深烙在我们的心里,更应该用...对应英文:Otherwise, even if is in unsafe events around him, he will "NIMBY, hanging", but will not learn from it. This two word security -- not just hanging high in the field of warning signs, should be more deep in our hearts, but should use...

很明显的一种"事不关己,高高挂"的心态,一种幸灾乐祸的心理。 "要是莫把宝剑出来就好了,真不知道怎么有这样的想法,哈哈。" 这个不好说他的"宝剑"是代表什么了。只能说...对应英文:A "NIMBY obviously, hanging high" state of mind, a mental take pleasure in other people's misfortune. "If Mo sword out, I really do not know how to do it, ha ha. This is not to say "his" sword "is representative of what the. Can only say that...

在学校里,看见不好的现象,睁一只眼闭一只眼,事不关己只挂起。您所在的班级也会给您一个不错的印象。除了学习,还有什么精力去理会其他事情呢对应英文:In the school, see the bad phenomenon, with one eye closed, NIMBY only hang. Your class will give you a good impression. In addition to learning, and what efforts to ignore other things

我心里很不是滋味,脸上真挂不住了。可师傅却说让我别难过,广西大山很穷的,有很多的孩子念不起书,让我捐给...而平常不作为,因事不关己而冷眼旁观,佛依然不会眷顾这个人得...对应英文:My heart is not the taste, the face is not hanged. Can master said let me don't be sad, Guangxi mountain is very poor, there are a lot of children read not books, let me to... But not as usual, but because of NIMBY look coldly from the sidelines at, Buddha was not favored the people...

有关部门已经涉入,领导和相关工作人员都很重视,相信这个世界,相信你自己,事不关己不用挂起。对应英文:The departments concerned have involvement, leadership and staff are very seriously, believe that this world, believe in yourself, NIMBY don't hang.

事不关己 咱就挂起 娱乐而已 何必这么八卦呢 谁荣谁辱 明地或暗箱 都是他们自己选的 他们想做的 当好一个观众就行了对应英文:NIMBY I hang out for fun and why such gossip who Rong who insult Ming or black box were they choose what they want to do as an audience on the line


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