

贪小利而吃大亏对应英文:Greedy small profits but suffer a great deal

王炎力,你百度搜索下就有对应英文:Wang Yanli, you have Baidu search

第一个便宜是目光短浅看到的小利,或者说不应得的利益。第二个是名词作动词用,是得到方便的意思。对应英文:The first advantage is small profit short-sighted see, or undeserved benefit. The second is a noun is used as a verb, is convenient.

正宫·醉太平·讥贪小利者夺泥燕口,剥铁针头,刮金佛面细搜求一,无中觅有。鹌鹑嗉里寻豌豆,鹭鸶腿上劈精肉...元代称京官为"老先生。"此系贬称。 整体就是用夸张的手法讽刺...对应英文:Palace, drunk in peace, made the greedy person take mud Yan mouth, stripping iron needles, scraping fine for a gold Buddha, without seeking a. Quail chest in search of pea, Heron legs split meat... Yuan Dynasty called "as" old mr.. "This is a disparaging. The whole is the use of exaggeration irony...

刮金佛面细搜求无中觅有。 鹌鹑嗉里寻豌豆①,鹭鸶腿上劈精肉②,蚊子腹内刳脂油③。 亏老先生下手④!对应英文:Scraping gold Buddha fine for not seeking a. Quail chest in search of pea, Heron legs split the intra-abdominal fat meat, a mosquito. The old gentleman to start the deficit!

铁针头,刮金佛面细搜求,无中觅有。鹌鹑嗉里寻豌豆,鹭鸶 腿上劈精肉。蚊子腹内刳脂油,亏老先生下手。 译文 在燕子口中夺泥,在针头上削铁,在贴着金子的菩萨脸上细细刮...对应英文:Iron needles, scraping gold Buddha fine search, without seeking a. Quail chest in search of pea, Heron legs split meat. A mosquito intra-abdominal fat, lose the old gentleman. In the swallow took away the mud, iron cut in syringe needle, covered in gold Buddha face carefully scrape...

半信半疑,半仓继续,获小利,累计理论咨询投资公司统计,从开始标杆旗子一并在内利润白分之 ,理论水平无可非议,技术到位,服务周到,咨询费及时交,继续,全信不疑,仓为百...对应英文:Half believe and half doubt, semi warehouse continue, small profit, the cumulative theory investment consulting company statistics, from the beginning of benchmarking flag together, the theoretical level of profit, be without rebuke, technology in place, and thoughtful service, timely delivery, consulting fees, all not doubt, Cang 100...

这是元代一无名氏的散曲小令《醉太平·讥贪小利者》夺泥燕口,削铁针头,刮金佛面细搜求,无中觅有。鹌鹑嗉里...是靠着小小的嘴一口一口地衔来泥巴、树枝、羽毛等,一点一点...对应英文:This is the Yuan Dynasty Sanqu poem "an anonymous drunk in peace, made the greedy small profits" from mud Yan mouth, cut iron needles, scraping gold Buddha fine search, without seeking a. Quail craw... With small mouth mouth to mouth to mud, branches, such as feathers, one point one...

汪在舟中,梦被人拘,呵曰远道来礼菩萨,安可贪小利,带荤物,幸能悔过,免汝无罪,迨李等回船|,汪霍然愈矣,更沐...事毕,村人男女无论大小,皆持斋戒至死无亏」。 按《佛说罪业...对应英文:Wang in the boat , the dream of being arrested , uh, all the way to the ceremony said the Buddha , Encore petty interests , with a dirty thing , it was fortunate that repentance , free Ru innocence , seize Li et back to the ship |, Wang Huo more men, more Mu ...

不过和目前的新浪,等相比,它早就过时了,主要它是当初第一个倡导收费邮箱的网站,结果导致成千上万的网民离开了它,可以算是贪小利吃大亏的代表。对应英文:But current Sina, such as compared, it is out of date, mainly it is first advocated mail charges site, resulting in tens of thousands of netizens to leave it, can be regarded as the representative of greedy small profits suffer a great deal.

贪小便宜吃大亏    贪图小利,难成大事    贪他一斗米,失去半年粮    人图名,虎图形    好名声想也想不来,坏名声洗也洗不清    名誉比黄金更可...对应英文:Penny wise and poundfoolish covet small profits, difficult to achieve great things for him a bag of rice grain, lose half title, tiger figure good reputation to think not, bad reputation does not wash clean reputation more than gold...


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