

脚上没鞋穷半截对应英文:The foot does not have a shoe to poor half

靴子   靴子一般分为长筒靴,中筒靴和短筒靴,适合与牛仔裤、脚蹬裤这类式样紧瘦裤子搭配,不宜与西裤、宽筒裤搭配。还有,装饰较多且时髦的高筒靴只适合个高腿长的女性...对应英文:General component is boots boots boots, in boots and short canister boots and jeans, pants, suitable for pedal this kind of style tight skinny pants, not with the trousers, wide legged pants collocation. Also, high boots decoration and more fashionable is only suitable for high legs of women...

在鞋后跟里面贴一块透明胶布,保准管用对应英文:With a piece of transparent adhesive tape in the heel, and work

要那种鞋尖很小,跟比较高的那种,图我是没有啦,不过穿裤子啊,什么的尽量将脚遮住一半,可以起到分割的效果。。要是穿裙子的话,就穿鱼嘴鞋,效果不错,,最重要的就是跟要尽...对应英文:The toe is very small, with relatively high that, I was not, however, wear pants ah, what to cover half of the feet, can play the effect of segmentation.. If you wear a skirt, put the fish mouth shoes, the effect is good, the most important is, with as much as possible...

新鞋是有点夹脚的 穿久一点会好。鞋都是越穿越大的对应英文:The new shoes are a little pinch wear long point will be good. Shoe is more big

尽量买合脚的,系带的吧,每个人都长的不一样,没有大碍的,用不着太放在心上。对应英文:Try to buy good, tie bar, everyone is not the same as the long, not hurt, don't put too much in the mind.

往往买来的新鞋子,都会有不合脚的现象,特别是新买来的皮鞋,更为突出。建议新买来的鞋子后跟的位置较为突出,用小锤子均匀的敲打,再打油,放置数天后,再打油、打光、穿着...对应英文:The new shoes are bought, it will not fit the phenomenon, especially the newly bought shoes, more prominent. Recommendations bought new shoe heel position is more prominent, with a small hammer knock, uniform and ragged, placed a few days later, re oiling, polishing, wearing...

因为同其他的牌子比起来耐克服装和鞋子都是适合体型肥胖的人穿,穿起来会比较舒适,而且耐克的球鞋透气性好,防滑,弹跳性也比较好,舒适度也很不错的,希望您呢个满意我的...对应英文:As with other brands than Nike clothing and shoes are suitable for fat people wear, wear more comfortable, but Nike shoes good air permeability, anti slip, bounce is also very good, comfort is also very good, hope you a happy with my...

拿棉签 用酒精抹在容易磨脚的地方就好了对应英文:Take a cotton swab with alcohol wipe the easily grinding foot place is good

如果是布的,洗几次会改善。 如果急着要穿这鞋没有别的鞋,可以在后面贴一张创可贴,通常磨脚都是鞋后跟的设计问题,与你的脚型不符,如你的后脚较突而鞋后跟设计得往内...对应英文:If it is the cloth, wash a few times will improve. If a hurry to no other shoes to wear this shoe, can put a band aid on the back, usually wear toe heel design problems, not in conformity with your foot type, such as your back foot and heel is process designed to...

坡跟或高跟的罗马鞋,跟儿到厘米就好,不然穿着会很累,不会穿高跟鞋的女孩,最好在家练练,再穿出去,不然很累,穿高跟鞋逛街也很练脚,前期超累,加油~~~~对应英文:Rome shoe wedges or high heels, with children to cm is good, or wear will be very tired, not the girl wearing high-heeled shoes, the best in practice, then put out, or very tired, wear high-heeled shoes shopping is also very practice foot, early super tired, come on ~ ~ ~ ~


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