

强弓射远箭对应英文:Strongbow shoots the far arrow

秦国攻打楚时,就曾从公里之外强弓射杀高城墙上的士兵,除去高度不算,秦国的米半长箭确能射出.公里以上对应英文:Qin attack Chu, had from miles away draw shot high city wall of the soldiers, height is not removed, half meters long arrow Qin can shoot. Km

百步穿杨去的准,箭射金钱喜气生。 推断疾病大好,走失能找,行人有信,白事凑巧。对应英文:Archery arrows to quasi money, happy life. That disease is excellent, lost to find, pedestrians have the letter, funeral happened.

用弓就要用强弓,用箭就要用长箭,要射敌人,先要射敌人的马,要抓敌人,先得抓敌人的头。杀人也应该有个限度,各国都有自己的边界。只要能够制止敌人的侵犯就成了,难道打仗...对应英文:Bow to bow, arrow will use the arrow to shoot the enemy, first, to shoot an enemy in the horse, to catch the enemy, to catch the enemy's head. Murder should also have a limit, every country has its own boundary. As long as they can to stop the invasion of the enemy became, don't fight...

强弓硬弩都是古代极具威力的远射兵器,可以先发制人,远程克敌,因此弓弩手非常适合担负起掩护己方主力部队侧背翼的任务。 如果楼主去看过秦兵马俑,就会发现--在秦军阵...对应英文:Bow hard crossbows are ancient powerful long-range weapons, can strike first to gain the initiative, remote challenge, so the crossbow is very suitable for shoulder cover their dorsal wing task force. If you go to see Terracotta Army of Qin, Qin will be discovered in the array...

擒捉、拿。译文 用弓就要用强弓,用箭就要用长箭,要射敌人,先要射敌人的马,要抓敌人,先得抓敌人的头。杀人也应该有个限度,各国都有自己的边界。只要能够制止敌人的...对应英文:Catch catch, take. The bow to bow, arrow will use the arrow to shoot the enemy, first, to shoot an enemy in the horse, to catch the enemy, to catch the enemy's head. Murder should also have a limit, every country has its own boundary. As long as they can to stop the enemy...

【打桃射柳】打桃打球,因球形似桃射柳用箭射柳枝。原是辽、金两朝常常举行的武艺比赛。后泛指玩耍游戏...【挽弩自射】弩强弓。拉弓自射。比喻自己做事害自己。【弋不...对应英文:[Liu] play peach peach shot hit play, because the ball shaped like a peach willow willow shoot shot with an arrow. The original is the Liao, gold two dynasties have always held the Wu Yi game. To play games... [since] crossbow bow crossbow shooting arm. The bow from the shoot. Parable do harm themselves. [Yi not...

射箭要射最长的,公元年,天宝末年哥舒翰征伐吐蕃,杜甫前去观看。不料吐蕃部队损失惨重,杜甫痛心疾首,写... 主要意思就是强弓劲弩的意思,弓的弦有好坏之分,好的弦力道足...对应英文:Archery to ad shoot, the longest, Tianbao Dynasty geshuhan conquering Tubo, Du Fu went to watch. But the army suffered heavy losses, Du Fu with deep hatred and resentment, and write... Main meaning is the meaning of powerful bows and arrows, the bow string is good or bad, good string strength enough...

应该拒绝的.也有说汉军远征,匈奴以逸待劳,汉军再强大,到那里打仗,也很难打胜.就像强弓所射出的箭已经到了末了时,就连绸子也穿不透的. 但因大多数大臣都同意出兵,汉武...对应英文:Should refuse. Also said to the Han Army expedition, Hun you, Han again strong, fighting there, is also very difficult to win. As the bow arrow has come to the end, even the silk also does not penetrate. But for most ministers agreed to send troops, han...

由于终极弓的原因也和标基本一样,船没变是.个秒,弓的终极弓除了二转的强弓和三转箭雨,四转飞龙冲击波,火凤凰这几个技能不引发以外,其它所有技能都会引发终极,包括...对应英文:Due to the ultimate arch and standard are basically the same, the ship has not changed. Second, the ultimate arch arch in addition to two rpm and three rpm the bow arrows, four Dragon blast wave, fire phoenix a few skills do not cause outside, all other skills will lead to the ultimate, including...

他只要一拉弓射箭,将箭射向野兽,野兽就应声而倒将箭射向天空飞翔着的飞鸟,飞鸟就会顷刻间从空中坠落下来...纪昌马上找来用北方生长的牛角所装饰的强弓,用出产在北方的蓬...对应英文:As long as he pulled his bow, arrows upon the beast, the beast fell the arrow into the sky flying birds, the birds will suddenly fall from the sky down... Ji Chang immediately get the decorated with growing in North horn bow, with production in the north of the peng...


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