

人到难处想亲人对应英文:One difficulty to loved ones

没有必要和自己过不去!对吧!所以,亲人永远对你都是亲的。朋友,我建议是你跟着自己的感觉走!是分是合,凭什么看那人的情绪呢如果有误会,就解释一下,对待这种问题,快刀...对应英文:And there is no need to go on their own!! so, family members are always on you are dear. Friends, I suggest that you follow your heart! Is divided is, what to see the person's mood. If there is a misunderstanding, they explain, deal with this problem, a sharp sword...

生活中没有过不去的难关,不要哭.作为同龄人的我很能理解你心里的难处. 亲情固然很重要,但为什么那多人为了钱背信弃义,因为钱是一个很现实的问题,人们平时无比珍重的爱...对应英文:Life does not go out, don't cry. As peers, I can understand your heart trouble. Family is very important, but why so much money in order to treachery, because money is a very real problem, people usually treasure love...

不过随着时间的改变 让我明白了 亲人也有自己的难处,要学会包容你身边的人 和多跟周围的人沟通 ,我就是这样做的 现在已经完全从那个阴影中走出来了 相信你也行对应英文:But along with time change let me understand the families also have their own difficulties, must learn to forgive the people around you and to the people around to communicate, so I do have now completely from that walked out the shadow that you do

和婆家发生了争执,连个可以投奔的亲人都没有。工作上有了困难,家人也没有办法帮你。 女人和男人不一样。嫁人了婆家就是一个港湾。而且离的近一点,就算是有个刁婆婆,...对应英文:And her husband had a dispute, even to turn to loved ones are not. Have a difficult job, family also can not help you. Women and men do not like. Married her husband is a harbour. And from the past, even if there is a Diao mother-in-law,...

那个时候我是 挺恨挺讨厌他们的 直到出来工作几年后才知道原来那些年长的人也有难处 但我建议你换位思考一下 这样你或许就会知道不是大部分的人都是为了你的钱而去的...对应英文:At that time I was very hate hate them until the work of a few years after just know that those older people also have difficulty, but I suggest that you thought you might know than most of the people are for your money and go...

你白痴啊,想死,为什么想死啊,你想想你还有什么事情没做啊,你在这个世界上有你的价值啊,为什么要想死呢,.。...如还有问题继续提问啊..你有什么难处啊,什么的,要跟身边的...对应英文:You idiot, want to die, why want to die, do you think what aren't you ah, you have your value in the world ah, why to want to die,. ... if there are problems continue to ask questions. What's your trouble ah, what, to side with the...

所以多站在父母亲人的角度想想,多体会别人生活的难处最重要。建议下次沟通时,一定要先让对方把话说完,而且要先冷静一断时间再发表你的高见,慢慢来,会有所改观的。对应英文:So many stations in their parents angle to think, experience the lives of others. The most important. Recommends that the next communication, we must first let each other out, but also to cool off time to express your opinion, take it easy, can change.

亲人有难处,需要你的帮助对应英文:Relatives have difficulty, need your help

和亲人相处,务必是理解万岁,在这个世界上,是个人他都有自己的难处,所以我们应该拐弯抹角的不顾一切的去理解亲人的一切, 凡事和气生财,与人方便就是与已方便对应英文:And loved ones, must be long live understanding, in this world, is the person he has his own difficulties, everything, so we should equivocate relatives of fling caution to the winds to understand everything Friendliness is conducive to business success., and with the convenience of others is easy to have

所以你可以尝试通过他的亲人或朋友找到他的下落,但是切记,狗急跳墙,切不可激怒对方,只可智取,你可以先和他讲自己的难处,希望他能理解你要债的苦衷。实在不行要留下证...对应英文:So you can try to his relatives or friends to find his whereabouts, but remember, cornered, must not provoke the other side, can only be derived, you can go and tell him his own difficulties, hope he can understand you money. It is impossible to leave card...


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