

祸到未必祸对应英文:Woe to the not curse

先祸,再福,再祸,后福。福未必是福,因为它可能带来祸患。患未必是祸,因为它可能带好事,好福气,帮助自己成功,保全生命。历史上这种例子很多。对应英文:The first woe, woe to Fu, and then, later. Happiness is not necessarily a blessing, because it might bring evil. Suffering is not necessarily bad, because it might be good, good luck, to help their own success, to save his life. A lot of history in this example.

指点江山指的是皇帝,皇帝就是龙。登高未必是避祸指的是龙的最大数字,对应英文:Pointing Jiangshan refers to the emperor, the emperor is the dragon. Climbing is not necessarily a refers to the maximum number of dragon,

夜祸人除非被杀或待在太阳下太久,否则就是不老不死。各夜祸人的其他能力未必一样。对应英文:Nightbane unless killed or stay in the sun too long, otherwise it is not old. Other capabilities of the nightbane people may not like.

"塞翁听了邻居的祝贺,反而面脸忧虑地说"这未必是什么福气,兴许会招惹什么麻烦。"塞翁的独生子喜欢骑马,他每天都骑马出游,结果一时疏忽,从马上跌下来,摔断了一条腿。...对应英文:"He heard the neighbor congratulations, but face worries that" this is not what a blessing, may provoke what trouble. "His only son likes riding, he rides a horse every day to travel, the result of an oversight, fell down from the horse, broke a leg. ...

夜祸人除非被杀或待在太阳下太久,否则就是不老不死。各夜祸人的其他能力未必一样。应该是一种日本的妖怪夜祸并非人类,而是不老不死、身体能力异于常人,而且伤口愈合...对应英文:Nightbane unless killed or stay in the sun too long, otherwise it is not old. Other capabilities of the nightbane people may not like. Is a Japanese monster nightbane is not human, but not old deathless, physical ability is different from ordinary people, and wound healing...

一天,马丢了,别人替他可惜,他说未必是坏事。结果一天那马又带了匹马回来(原来谈情去了),大家恭喜他,他说未必是好事。果然儿子骑马摔断了腿。不久,朝廷征兵,他儿子因此...对应英文:One day, the horse was lost, others to pity, he says is not necessarily a bad thing. Results one day the horse and the horse back (originally shall go), we congratulate him, he said, is not necessarily a good thing. Indeed the son horse broke his leg. Soon, the conscription, his son so...

失之安悲晋·葛洪《抱朴子·自叙》得到它不感到欣喜,失去它为什么悲伤●甘心于履危,未必逢祸纵意于处安,不必全福。南朝·宋·刘彧 最后一段【共段~避免断页,截取稍长...对应英文:Lose an Beijin Ge Hong "Bao Pu Zi autobiography" get it not feel joy, lose it why sad ● be reconciled to fulfill dangerous, not necessarily every woe longitudinal in security, not in. The Southern Dynasties, song Liu Yu finally a total period of [~ to avoid breaking the page, the interception of slightly longer...

.祸祸,同"霍霍"属于东北方言,指破坏、糟蹋某物,也泛指破坏性的行为  例句他把这东西都~坏了。  也用于在彼此聊天当中开玩笑的语句,比如回来再霍霍你。表示回来...对应英文:. woe, with "rattling" belongs to the northeast dialect, refers to the damage, spoil sth, it also refers to the destructive behavior. He put the things ~ bad. Also used in chat with each other, make fun of statements, such as back against you. Said back...

.祸祸,同"霍霍" 属于东北方言,指破坏、糟蹋某物,也泛指破坏性的行为 例句他把这东西都~坏了。 也用于在彼此聊天当中开玩笑的语句,比如回来再霍霍你。表示回来再逗你...对应英文:. woe, with "rattling" belongs to the northeast dialect, refers to the damage, spoil sth, it also refers to the destructive behavior. He put the things ~ bad. Also used in chat with each other, make fun of statements, such as back against you. Said back to tease you...

是福不是祸,是祸躲不过 对.在物质世界里有唯物唯心的说法,但是在自己的精神世界里,没有这样的强制性规定,人,就是生活在自己的信念里的.世上的任何一句话,只要你认为是...对应英文:It was evil, evil is hiding the materialism and idealism. There is in the material world, but in their own spiritual world, not mandatory, such person, is the life in your belief. Any word of the world, as long as you think it is...


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