

关公面前耍大刀对应英文:The duke guan front play broadsword

据说,关公不姓关,姓崔。那他怎么又姓关了呢说起来这是汉朝末年的事了。山西有个龙潭寺,寺里有个潭。  ...  (史简)  关公门前耍大刀的由来  周仓开始并没有保关公...对应英文:Reportedly, the Duke Guan not surname, surnamed cui. How did he and Xing Guan. It was the Han Dynasty. Shanxi has a Longtan Temple, the temple has a tan. ... (History) in front of Kuan Kung Shuada Dao origin Zhou Cang Bao Gong did not start...

关公面前耍大刀歇后语--现(献)对应英文:Display slight skill before an expert allegorical -- we (offer)

关公面前耍大刀--现(献)丑 关公面前耍大刀--班门弄斧关公面前耍大刀--自不量力对应英文:Display slight skill before an expert -- we (offer) ugly display slight skill before an expert -- display slight skill before an expert display slight skill before an expert -- beyond one's ability

关公面前耍大刀---现(献)对应英文:Display slight skill before an expert - now (offer)

和鲁班门前弄板斧一样,比喻跟精通这门技术的人面前摆弄自己的学识,不知天高地厚,自不量力的意思对应英文:And Luban the door get broad axe, compared with before to master this technology. Their knowledge, know the immensity of heaven and earth, beyond one's ability

关公面前耍大刀---自不量力 徐庶进曹营--一言不发 茶壶里煮饺子--倒不出来 猪八戒戴花冠--自夸自美观 张飞穿针--- 粗中有细---大眼瞪小眼 竹篮打水--- 一场空 孔明借东...对应英文:Display slight skill before an expert - beyond one's ability Xu Shujin Cao Ying - not to utter a single word in the pot boiled dumplings - it does not come out the pig eight quit the crown -- boast self appearance Zhang Fei cuzhongyouxi needle - - eyeball draw water with a bamboo basket - Kong Ming borrow east...

关公面前耍大刀---自不量力 徐庶进曹营--一言不发 茶壶里煮饺子--倒不出来 猪八戒戴花冠--自夸自美观张飞穿针--- 粗中有细---大眼瞪小眼 竹篮打水--- 一场空 孔明借东风...对应英文:Display slight skill before an expert - beyond one's ability Xu Shujin Cao Ying - not to utter a single word in the pot boiled dumplings - it does not come out the pig eight quit the crown -- boast self appearance Zhang Fei cuzhongyouxi needle - - eyeball draw water with a bamboo basket - Kong Ming east wind...

俗语孔庙门前舞文弄墨孔夫子跟前卖百家姓圣人面前卖字画成语班门弄斧(在鲁班门前舞弄斧子。比喻在行家面前卖弄本领,不自量力)草堂赋诗(在大诗人杜甫家里题诗)...对应英文:Saying before the Confucian Temple show off literary skill in front of Kong Fuzi sell surnames Saint sell calligraphy idioms display slight skill before an expert (wave in front of Luban axe. Metaphor in front of experts show off, Too Big for Her Skin) cottage Poems (in the great poet Du Fu home poem)...

关公门前耍大刀的由来 周仓开始并没有保关公,是在赵云的帐下听令。有一次,军中操演武艺,周仓耍了一趟大刀,兵将齐声叫好,连赵云也夸奖了他几句。这下周仓骄傲了,他把手...对应英文:In front of Kuan Kung Shuada Dao origin Zhou Cang did not start the Guan Gong, is attributed to Zhao Yun listen to. A military exercise, Wu Yi, Zhou Cang played a broadsword, soldiers will be unanimous applause, even Zhao Yun also praised him with a few words. This Zhou Cang proud, he put his hand...

斧头是木匠必备的工具 在他面前玩斧头 关二爷手中握的是青龙偃月刀 一把刀过五关斩六将 温酒斩华雄(古代名将)在他面前耍大刀 呵呵 就是说 自不量力 自取其辱的意思吧...对应英文:The axe is a necessary tool in front of him playing with an axe in putting off the hands of crescent moon knife is a knife win glory in battle warm wine Zhan Huaxiong (ancient name) in front of him playing big ha ha is beyond one's ability you mean...



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