

惶惶不可终日对应英文:All day long to be
总是担心有灾难,有病或不利,发生在自己身上,每天每件事情都感到焦虑,自责恐慌这样反复的自我纠缠中,有些事情知道是没事但总是担心顾忌这顾忌那,我真的好难受,这样的日子太痛苦了,想摆脱都摆脱不了.惶惶不可终日 ( huáng huáng bù kě zhōng rì )

每个人都无比关注自己及至亲至爱之人心脏的健损,以至于稍有微疾便惶惶不可终日。对应英文:Everyone is very concerned about their and our nearest and dearest relatives of the health damage of the heart, that minor illnesses and slightly.

这是一场衰退,一段低迷,是对人类行为造成的后果的必然修正,我们没必要因信贷紧缩惶惶不可终日。对应英文:This is a recession, a downturn, is a correction of the consequences of human behavior, we don't need because of the credit crunch.

据人权观察,南非拥有世界上最高的比率之一强奸,并在该国许多妇女在惶惶不可终日的生活受到了攻击。对应英文:According to human rights watch, South Africa has one of the world's highest ratio of rape, and many women in the country has lived in the life is under attack.

每个人都无比关注自己及至亲至爱之人心脏的健损,以至于稍有微疾便惶惶不可终日。对应英文:Everyone is very concerned about their and our nearest and dearest relatives of the health damage of the heart, that minor illnesses and slightly.

这是一场衰退,一段低迷,是对人类行为造成的后果的必然修正,我们没必要因信贷紧缩惶惶不可终日。对应英文:This is a recession, a downturn, is a correction of the consequences of human behavior, we don't need because of the credit crunch.

据人权观察,南非拥有世界上最高的比率之一强奸,并在该国许多妇女在惶惶不可终日的生活受到了攻击。对应英文:According to human rights watch, South Africa has one of the world's highest ratio of rape, and many women in the country has lived in the life is under attack.

事实上我就知道,有些基督教徒确实相信基督复临巳经迫在眉睫了,我还认识一位牧师,他把他的教徒吓得惶惶不可终日,说什麽基督即将来临;对应英文:In fact I know, have indeed some christians believe that Christ's coming is imminent, I also know a priest, he put his believers lived scared, said what Christ is coming;

败则心情恶劣,茶饭不思,心惊肉跳,惶惶而不可终日, 最后人财两失。对应英文:Lost in a bad mood, the tea rice don't think, nerve-racking, fear and, the last two lost people money.

那些对扩张性货币政策惶惶不可终日者为维护其立场一直都在不断地发明着各种口号。对应英文:Those who lived on the expansionary monetary policy to maintain its position has been continuously invented all kinds of slogans.

这让我们惶惶不可终日,不能睡觉,不能干任何其他事。对应英文:This allows us to be all day long, can't sleep, can't do any other thing.

从伏地魔获得重生以来,斯拉格霍恩始终在遇上食死徒兵被他们胁迫加入的恐惧中惶惶不可终日。对应英文:Since voldemort regained his powers, slughorn has always be confronted by death eaters soldier pressured to join them lived in fear of that.

那次的印象也确是可怕和深刻的,行刑的第二天和许多天以后,主教还表现出惶惶不可终日的样子。对应英文:The impression was terrible and profound, the execution of the next day and after many days, the bishop has lived also showed.

一点点的风吹草动,都会令他们心惊胆战,惶惶不可终日。对应英文:A little bit of trouble, will make them afraid,.

只有南郭先生惶惶不可终日,前思后想,觉得此地再也混不下去了,只好收拾行李连夜逃跑了。对应英文:Lived only NaGuoXianSheng reasoned, felt that this place never mix not bottom go to, had to pack away overnight.

尽管哈马斯的火箭弹很少伤到人,但确实使许多以色列人惶惶不可终日,惹恼了整国人。对应英文:While hamas's rockets rarely hurt people, but has lived many of the children of Israel did, annoyed the whole Chinese people.

与此同时,我发现中共政府和企业界也从来没有象现在这样坐立不安、惶惶不可终日。对应英文:At the same time, I found that the communist party of China government and business had never been on pins and needles, like now.

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