

一鼓作气势如虎对应英文:A drum momentum as the tiger

一鼓作气势如虎 万马出击勇似龙对应英文:A drum momentum as the tiger attack Yong dragon like cyclones

《水边的阿迪丽娜》 《星空》 《秋日私语》 《蓝色的爱》 《命运》可能较大 自己去听听吧!对应英文:"The Adi Lina" "Star" "autumn whispers" "blue love" "fate" may be larger to listen!


强烈推荐 神圣的战争 ( 的歌曲都很大气磅礴!每次听完都热血沸腾) 征服天堂 这四首歌曲你肯定会喜欢! 给点分吧大哥对应英文:Strongly recommended the Holy War (the songs are very grand and magnificent! Every time after hearing all One's blood boils with indignation.) conquest of Paradise this four songs you would like to point you brother

强烈推荐 神圣的战争 ( 的歌曲都很大气磅礴!每次听完都热血沸腾)征服天堂这四首歌曲你肯定会喜欢!对应英文:Strongly recommended the Holy War (the songs are very grand and magnificent! Every time after hearing all One's blood boils with indignation.) conquest of Paradise this four song you would like!

惊心动魄对应英文:Be struck with fright

雷霆对应英文:The thunder

你听听兰陵王破阵乐吧 这个有用的对应英文:You listen to Lan Ling Wang destroys the formations. The useful

少一些技巧,多加一些类似蒙古舞的动作,应该可以!对应英文:Less skill, adding some similar to the Mongolia dance movements, should be able to!

惊天地泣鬼神 壮阔 豪放 火烈 热烈 令人亢奋 激情四溢 雄伟对应英文:Amazing and exciting grand fire warm passion magnificent


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