

兔子钻山追撵难对应英文:The rabbit drill mountain chasing hard

个月前小狗先训猎性,买一条和山兔子一样颜色的家兔放在笼子里叫小狗嗅,加深对兔子气味的印象,叫它见到兔子就兴奋。在短距离内放点管或钢管,放开兔子叫小狗追,...对应英文:A month ago the dog first training game, buy a mountain and the rabbit rabbit called color dog smelling in cages, deepen their understanding of the rabbit odor impression, call it to see the rabbit excited. Put the pipe or tube in short distance, let go call the puppy chasing rabbits,...

要死的老嬷嬷或老头,健步如飞地走在前面,身后簇拥着自己的子子孙孙、至亲好友,个个喜笑颜开,全无悲戚的神...我有了三只兔子。说起兔子,我从小就喜欢的。在故乡里的时候,...对应英文:The dying old mammy or old man, walk as if on wings to go in front, behind the generation after generation of descendants, surrounded by his close relatives and good friends, each light up with pleasure, not the grief of the gods... I have three rabbits. Speaking of the rabbit, I like small. When back at home,...

排几电 狗撵兔子 坐火箭四大欢顶水鱼 顺风旗 灯里的瓤子 叫春驴四大欢顺风旗、水里鱼、十七八的姑娘、小叫驴四大香开江鱼 下蛋鸡 回笼觉 三房妻四大臭倒嘎石罐 掏...对应英文:Many electric dog hunt a rabbit sitting rocket four Huan top water wind flag lamp pulp caterwaul donkey four Huan wind flag, the fish in the water, seventeen of eight girls, four small donkey incense Kaijiang fish egg back to sleep three real wife four big stink down stone jars for ga...

逮了兔子死了鹰--得不偿失 丢了黄牛撵兔子--不知哪大哪小 饿狼扑兔子--抓住不放 高粱地里放鸟枪--打发兔子...套马杆子逮兔子--瞎胡闹 兔儿头,老鼠尾--不伦不类 兔儿爷(...对应英文:Catch the rabbit dead Hawk - The loss outweighs the gain. lost cattle thrust rabbit -- I do not know which was which small wolf attack rabbit - hold on Sorghum in shotgun - sent rabbit... Team pole catch rabbits - idiotic rabbit head, mouse tail -- neither fish nor fowl (rabbit...

我以前喂兔子那是会翻过山偷吃别人花生苗的,然后有一只狗总远远的望着我家哀号,因为我的兔子常常会放到屋外,那只狗总是撵不到,甚至有一次它从一边冷不丁冲到一只兔子...对应英文:I used to feed the rabbit that is over the hill stealing other peanut seedling, then one dog far looked at my cry, because my rabbit is often on the outside, the dog always out of no, even once it from one side cold not the D into a rabbit...

癞蛤蟆追兔子--一步跟不上,步步跟不上一步赶不上,步步都紧张  老母猪追兔子--上气不接下气  老牛撵(...兔儿爷(兔头人身的泥塑玩具)打架--散摊了  兔儿爷拍胸口--...对应英文:The toad chasing rabbits -- step does not follow to go up, step by step, not a step up, step by step all nervous old sow chasing rabbits -- breathless (cow out... Rabbit (rabbit personal clay toys) fight -- scattered stand pat chest: rabbit...

进网的兔子上钩舶鱼--十拿九稳 癞蛤蟆追兔子--一步跟不上,步步跟不上一步赶不上,步步都紧张 老母猪追兔子...青蛙望玉兔--有天地之别 兔儿爷(兔头人身的泥塑玩具)打架--...对应英文:In the net rabbit bait fish -- as sure as a gun ship toad chasing rabbits -- step does not follow to go up, step by step, not a step up, step by step all nervous old sow chasing rabbits... The frog at the moon - heaven and earth not rabbit (rabbit personal clay toys) fight...

与兔有关的歇后语也还有不少,如   兔儿爷满山跑--还是归老窝   兔子不吃窝边草--留情(青),比喻...兔子撵乌龟--赶得上   兔子转山坡--迟早还得回老家   兔子...对应英文:With rabbit related proverbs also has many, such as rabbit Manshan -- or return to the nest rabbits do not eat grass Waterloo - mercy (green), metaphor... Rabbit out -- in turn turtle rabbit Hill -- sooner or later have to back the rabbit...

好汉子不赶乏兔儿。 没有黄狼的地方,兔子也摆架子。 大年初一逮兔子,有它过年,无它也过年。 心里塞着个... 附录 哈叭狗追兔子--论跑不能跑,论咬不能咬 兔子的尾巴--长...对应英文:Good man does not catch the lack of rabbit. No weasel place, rabbit also airs. Lunar New Year's day to catch the rabbit, it have the Spring Festival, without it also have the Spring Festival. My heart fills... Appendix lap dog chasing rabbits -- couldn't run, the tail biting can not bite the rabbit -- long...

只吃菜,不用饭。(打一植物名) 兔子 粽子脸,梅花脚。后面喊叫,前面舞刀。(打一植物名) 狗 小密斯,夜乘凉。带灯笼,闪闪亮。(打一植物名) 萤火虫 一支香,地里钻。弯身走,...对应英文:Only Chicai, no meal. (a plant) rabbit dumplings face, the plum flower foot. Behind the front would cry. (a plant) dog girl, night shade. With lanterns, shiny. (a plant) firefly incense, the ground drill. To go,...


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