

山不辞石故能高对应英文:Mountain not demit stone so high

高山不拒绝任何泥土石块,因此能成就它的高。开明的君主不厌烦臣民,所以使他成为众人的君主学者不厌烦学习,所以他能成为圣人。对应英文:The mountain does not reject any clay stone, so can achieve its high. Enlightened despot is annoying people, so that he becomes all monarchs scholar not tired of learning, so he can become a sage.

意思是山不拒绝那些平凡的土 所以成就了它的高大 海不拒绝一小滴一小滴的水 所以成就了它的深邃 聚少成多 有宽容之心才能成就自己的伟大 海纳百川 有容乃大对应英文:It is not to reject those ordinary mountain soil so the achievements of tall sea its refusal of droplet droplets of water so the achievements of the deep Many a little make a mickle. it have the heart of tolerance can accomplish their great capacity to hold all rivers run into sea

所有的高山都要靠土石堆积而成,想要一座高山就要不断的增加它的泥土,这样山才能高 所有的大海都是靠水流汇聚而成,想要一个大海就要不断的增加它的水流,这样海才能大...对应英文:All the high mountains all must depend on the debris piled up a mountain, want to continue to increase its soil, this mountain to all sea is to rely on water springs, like a sea is to increase its flow, so that the sea to...

山不推辞一粒尘土,所以才能那么高大海每一滴水也会吸纳,所以才能那么深!寓意一个人做事,不管多么小的事,只要去做,终能成大器。也寓意大仁大智,胸怀宽广。对应英文:Mountain not refuse a grain of dust, so that to high sea every drop of water will absorb, so can the so deep! Meaning a person, no matter how small things, just do it, finally can become big. Also the implication Darendazhi, broad-minded.

故能成其大山不辞土石,故能成其高 --海不拒绝点滴的水,因而能使自己这样浩瀚山不拒绝一土一石,因而能使自己之样崇高。辞拒绝。 〔出处〕《管子·形势解》海不辞水...对应英文:So it can become the mountain not demit stone, so it can become high - sea not to drip water, thus make this vast mountain not refuse soil stone, which enable their majestic. Speech refused. [source] "pipe · situation" the sea not demit water solution...

我想,除了积累,是不是应该再加上一条"虚心接受被人的意见"呢! "辞"是推辞的意思,由于不推辞、虚心接受别人的批评指正,成就了自己!对应英文:I think, in addition to accumulate, Is it right? Should be coupled with a "humbly accept being comments"! "Speech" is to mean, because not refuse, humbly accept the people's criticism, the achievements of their own!

能够不断积累和包容,才能成就大事业。对应英文:Continuous accumulation and tolerance, to big business success.

"   古人云"膏粱难整。"以其为骄奢自足,不能克励也。吾见王侯外戚,语多不正,亦由内染贱保傅,外无良师友...北方地形山高水深,语音低沈浊重而且圆钝,长处是朴实直率,...对应英文:"The ancients cloud" rich food to the whole. "The arrogance and self-sufficiency, not grams of excitation is also. I see the nobility dukes, multi language not just, also from the dye base Bao Fu, and unscrupulous friends... The northern mountain water depth, voice low Shen heavy and blunt, advantage is simple,...

山高哪碍野云飞"竹子再繁密也不能阻碍溪水的流过,天再高也不能妨碍白云的高飞. 意思是说不管前面有多么的险阻,也不能改变自己的意志.原文 唐天复中,南谒乐普安禅师,...对应英文:The mountain which hinder an fly "bamboo and dense cannot hinder the flow, I can not hinder the white clouds fly. This means that no matter how difficult the front, also cannot change his will. The original Tang Tianfu, Nan Ye Yue Pu jackson,...

银河在九天之上,怎不高哉地球无生灵之时,银河已在,怎不久远银河自九天而泻,声岂是响雷可比银河之势岂是...让读者想象先上了一层高高的台阶,登上之后,再向九天接近。...对应英文:The galaxy in nine days on earth, how not is high when no creature, the galaxy has been, how not distant galaxy since nine days and diarrhea, sound is ringing Leikebi Galaxy potential is... Let the reader imagine on the first storey high step, climbed to nine days after, close to. ...


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