

软绳子系得住硬柴禾对应英文:Soft rope live hard wood


柴代表着财对应英文:Chai represents the wealth

夸张,突出土坑的烫对应英文:Exaggeration, highlight the pit of hot

. . . 三、. . .重在写柴禾因为柴禾是贯穿全文的线索,柴禾在今昔生活中的巨大变化是文章的对应英文:.. Three,.. on firewood firewood is written as the clue, great changes in the past and present life of firewood is the

梦见捡柴禾对应英文:Dream of picking up firewood

柴禾是指做饭炒菜用的燃料。柴树木或枯枝,主要是木本植物,禾草料等,主要是指草本植物。没有煤、气、油、电等燃料的地方使用的燃料。对应英文:Firewood is the fuel used for cooking. The trees or branches, mainly woody plants, grass forage, mainly refers to the herb. The use of no coal, gas, oil, electricity and other fuels local fuel.

夸张 夸大效果对应英文:Exaggerated exaggerated effect

深睡眠阶段,要么没有梦,要么即做即忘,醒来就只知自己做梦了,具体做了什么,记不起来。记得清清楚楚的梦,一般都是在浅睡眠的状态下才会发生,那是睡眠不良,小脑尚未全部...对应英文:Deep sleep stage, or there is no dream, or is done namely forget, wake up just know their dream, exactly what, can't remember. Remember clearly the dream, usually occurs in the shallow sleep state, that is the bad sleep, not all of the cerebellum...

柴禾女值得就是很苗条的女生·或者是很瘦的女生。对应英文:The firewood woman worth is very slim girls, or very thin women.

中国田园犬对应英文:Chinese pastoral dogs


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