

媚眼抛给瞎子看对应英文:Leer to the blind man

看似永远长不大的云昭王南宫逸、神秘莫测的国师锦瑟萧玉、还有众多众多的一窝子美妖男,个个都对她抛媚眼、争恩宠,天哪!这叫她南宫映绾可如何消受得起…… 夙凌墨"...对应英文:Seemingly never grow cloud king Nangong Yi, the mysterious country since Xiao Yu, and a multitude of a position the Lich male, all of her the glad eye, for grace, God! This is called her Nangong Ying Wan can afford...... Su Ling ink"...

如果你的的眼光只看到国营企业、政府机关等,那么我上面的话就全当是抛媚眼给瞎子看了。对应英文:If your eyes only see the state-owned enterprises, government agencies, then I would be full leer to the blind see.

她已经出招了,不管怎么样你都要接招,不要装傻充愣。 否则岂不是【媚眼抛给瞎子看了对应英文:She had to play, you have to take that no matter what, don't act dumb. Otherwise it is the [leer to the blind

新新人类的一代,有几个爱古体诗的呢对方要没这个细胞,那不是媚眼抛给瞎子看嘛。表达爱意还是本色些好,至少显得你爱的真诚。何必非要在后面加上许多根本不属于自己思...对应英文:New-new generation generation, there are several love poems about each other without the cells, that is not a leer to the blind see. Expression of love is true good, at least you love is sincere. Why not to add many not to belong to oneself think...

可惜俏媚眼做把瞎子看。武帝只知持论教义,说凡道圣而不明心性。不知道这说无的是谁,道有的又是谁,而当面错过。禅师家犹如善舞太阿剑的能手,轻轻一挥,就把你心中的凡圣...对应英文:Unfortunately, Qiao eye to the blind man. The emperor know only hold the doctrine, said all holy and unknown disposition. Don't know that who is not, who is there, and let slip the chance of... Master, master home is like dancing too a sword gently waved, put your heart where st....

个人都扣了环了棒打鸳鸯---两分开隔墙看美女---爱不得她媚眼做给瞎子看---不领你的情壁上挂的美人---你爱她,她不爱你办法很多二齿钉耙---有两下子六个指头搔痒---多一...对应英文:Man smashed ring break up affectionate couples - two separate partition see beauty - love not her eyes to the blind see --- not bring love wall you hanging on the beauty, you love her, she doesn't love you the way a lot of two tooth a - One is really something - more than six fingers itching...

个人都扣了环了棒打鸳鸯---两分开隔墙看美女---爱不得她媚眼做给瞎子看---不领你的情壁上挂的美人---你爱,她不爱你办法很多二齿钉耙---有两下子六个指头搔痒---多一条...对应英文:Man smashed ring break up affectionate couples - two separate partition see beauty - love not her eyes to the blind see --- not bring love wall you hanging on the beauty that you love, she doesn't love you the way a lot of two tooth a - One is really something six fingers itch - a...

隔墙看美女---爱不得她 媚眼做给瞎子看---不领你的情 壁上挂的美人---你爱她,她不爱你 办法很多 二齿钉耙---有两下子 六个指头搔痒---多一条道道 心眼像蜂窝---窍门多...对应英文:See beauty - love her do not partition eyes to the blind see --- not bring love wall you hanging on the beauty, you love her, she doesn't love you the way a lot of two tooth a - One is really something six fingers itch - a road heart like honeycomb - tips and more...

长在那张马脸上显得非常病态,他说话时喜欢对所有人乱飞媚眼,小心别让它撞到你,那会使你魂飞魄散的。他的胳...他像盲人摸路一样,东摸摸,西摸摸,好容易才摸起了毛巾,把眼一...对应英文:Very sick long in that piece of face, he spoke to all the people you love flying, don't let it hit you, it will make you Stigmata. His arm... He is like the blind groping, the East West touch, touch, very easy to touch up the towel, take the eye...

媚眼如丝。 整颗心脏就像是被什么东西勒着一样,阵阵紧缩。 那眼睛明亮而研妩。 和他比起来,华月简直成了瞎子。 仅仅只是一双眼睛,就让人七魂六魄都散了去,倘若他再生...对应英文:Eye such as silk. The whole heart is like what things around, bursts of austerity. The eyes bright and charming. Compared with him, China has become almost blind. Just a pair of eyes, let a person seven souls and six senses are scattered, if he regeneration...


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