

双手难遮众人眼对应英文:His hands to cover the eye

众人拾柴火焰高  ●土多好打墙,人多力量强  ●众人扶船能过山  ●只要人手多,石磨挪过河  ●百事...万人万双手,拖着泰山走  ●天上星多黑夜明,地上树多成森林...对应英文:Everyone firewood high flame, the soil well hit the wall, many powerful people can ride the boat ● help as long as more manpower, stone moved across the Pepsi... Million hands, with Taishan the stars more night Ming, on the tree into a forest...

众人拾柴火焰高 ●土多好打墙,人多力量强 ●众人扶船能过山 ●只要人手多,石磨挪过河 ●百事靠人多,牌轩抬...千斤担子众人挑 ●万人万双手,拖着泰山走 ●天上星多黑夜明...对应英文:Everyone firewood high flame, the soil well hit the wall, many powerful people can ride the boat ● help as long as more manpower, stone moved across the Pepsi by many people, Pai Xuan lift... Jack burden they pick the million hands, with Taishan the night stars more clearly...

火车跑得快,全靠车头带。 集体是力量的源泉,众人是智慧的摇篮。 莫学蜘蛛各结网,要学蜜蜂共酿蜜。 莫学篾...千斤担子众人挑 ●万人万双手,拖着泰山走 ●天上星多黑夜明...对应英文:Train to run fast, thanks to the front belt. Collective is a source of strength, wisdom of the people is the cradle. Don't learn the web spider, honey bees were to learn. Mo Xue bamboo... Jack burden they pick the million hands, with Taishan the night stars more clearly...

试想,如果当初林肯和众人一样,只是以挑剔的眼光去看格兰特"酗酒"这一缺点,不能用欣赏的眼光发现他那高超...抛开谢坤山一只眼,一条腿,无双手的缺点,而看到那"台湾口足画...对应英文:Just imagine, if Lincoln and all the same, just with a critical eye to see Grant "alcoholism" this shortcoming, cannot enjoy the vision found his superb... Despite Xie Kunshan's one eye, one leg, matchless hand disadvantage, and saw the "Taiwan mouth and foot painting...

他双手捂着绯红发烫脸,顿着脚哭哭啼啼跑回家哭诉。肖老爷暴跳如雷,却无可奈何,他当即喝令家丁让那嚢包的教..."笑死人"是什么货色,众人心知肚明,只是不好当面说穿罢了。...对应英文:He hands a red hot face, stamping her foot weep and sob ran home crying. Xiao master stamp with rage, but feel helpless, he immediately ordered the servant to the bursal package of teach... "Laugh my head off" what is it, all the people know, just not good face to face the issue. ...

人多力量强众人扶船能过山只要人手多,石磨挪过河用众人之力,则无不胜也龙生一子定乾坤,猪生一窝拱墙根单丝...--〈淮南子〉 ●万人万双手,拖着泰山走。 ●天上星多黑夜明...对应英文:Many people hold strong ship can ride as long as more manpower, stone and force all use across the river, no one would also dragon sub Ding Qiankun, pig give birth to a litter of arch wall monofilament... - 'Huainan' ● million hands, with Taishan. ● the stars more night ming...

-双手向左旁平伸,反复一次。 -前伸手,低头-后伸手,仰头 & -左前方-右后方(双手...-双手五指张开遮眼,伸左脚做踵趾步 -手按节奏拍手后...对应英文:- hands Musa Hiranobu, once again. Before hand, bow - after the hand, look up

-双手向左旁平伸,反复一次。 -前伸手,低头-后伸手,仰头 -左前方-右后方(双手平...-双手五指张开遮眼,伸左脚做踵趾步 -手按节奏拍手后...对应英文:- hands Musa Hiranobu, once again. Before hand, after hand down, up - front left and rear right (hands flat... - hands open fingers blindfold, extend left foot toe heel - hand clap after...

浓郁的芳香,轻灵的气息,让众人沐浴在这美好的味道中不愿意自拔,逍遥颤抖着双手缓缓的伸向了长涛手中的瓷瓶,然后把瓷瓶拿了过来,又把瓷瓶中的"九转还魂丹"倒了出来,...对应英文:Rich aroma, light flavor, let all bathed in the good taste not willing to help, and trembling hands slowly into the hands of long Tao porcelain porcelain, then took over, and put the vase in the "nine to revive Dan" poured out,...

在说最后一个字的同时做出一个动作猎人的动作是双手叉腰狗熊的动作是双手搭在胸前枪的动作是双手举起呈... 游戏 众人游戏,在桌边围成一圈。用两粒色子投掷。每人...对应英文:In the last word at the same time to make a move the hunter's action is both hands akimbo bear movements are the hands in the chest gun action is raised both hands in all... Game game, on the edge of the table in a circle. Throwing two dice. Each...


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