

行xing百里者半九十对应英文:Xing at the eleventh hour

读 是歌行体,如兵车行、丽人行等百忧集行 杜甫 忆年十五心尚孩, 健如黄犊走复来。 庭前八月梨枣熟, 一日上树能千回。 即今倏忽已五十, 坐卧只多少行立。 强将笑...对应英文:Reading is the song form, such as the soldier Car dealership, beauty and sorrow for Du Fu have fifteen heart still child, health such as yellow calf go to. Before the court of pear jujube cooked in August, a date tree to 1000 back. Now I have fifty, sitting just how many rows of vertical. Will laugh...

读,这里指的是行业。意思是所以的事业都比不上行使孝顺重要 。对应英文:Read, here refers to the industry. It is therefore cause are not important exercise of filial piety.

不懂!种子多的是,何必去那么麻烦搞要金币的呢对应英文:Don't know! Seed is more, why go to so much trouble to be gold

当然是后者对应英文:Of course

百行孝为都(二声)为行为的意思…对应英文:Hundreds of filial piety is (Er Sheng) as the behavior...

念"" 行动的意思对应英文:Read the "action"

甲乙速度比(-/)/ 所以乙车每小时行÷×千米 所以两地相距÷%千米 祝你开心对应英文:Velocity ratio (w / b) / so B vehicle hour / * kilometers apart, so% km wish you happy

步~。旅~。~踪。~百里者半九十。~云流水(喻自然不拘泥)。~远自迩。. 出外时用的~装。~箧。~李。. 流通,.... 汉字字体的一种~书。. 姓。看行()的字义,没有符合...对应英文:Step. Brigade. ~. ~ at the Eleventh hour. ~ cloud water (Yu naturally not limited). ~ far from you. . out with ~. ~ trunk. ~ lee. . circulation,... A Book Chinese characters font. The surname. Look at the line () meaning, do not meet...

百行业为先,万恶懒为首 读.二声 意指做工作要勤奋,敬业乐业。万般恶劣的行为,懒惰是第一的坏行为。对应英文:One hundred industry first, led by the evil lazy read. Two means to do the work to hard work, dedication. All the bad behavior, idleness is the first bad behavior.

在这里念 行 á    . 行列字里~间。罗列成~。 行 . 兄弟姐妹的次弟排行我~二,你~几    . ...步~。旅~。~踪。~百里者半九十。~云流水(喻自然不拘泥)。~...对应英文:Thought á here. Word among the ranks. List into. OK. Brothers and sisters of my brother's ~ two, you a few... Step. Brigade. ~. ~ at the Eleventh hour. ~ cloud water (Yu naturally not limited). ~...


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