

干柴遇烈火对应英文:In case of fire wood

干柴与烈火,一点就着对应英文:Firewood and fire, with a bit

恐龙爱上青蛙对应英文:The dinosaurs fell in love with the frog

这表明了他想和你关系更近一步。也就是性关系 同样表明他倾向前者 干柴烈火型对应英文:This indicates that he wanted to with you one step closer to. It is also indicated that he tended to the relationship between a dry faggot on a blazing fire type

闷骚对应英文:The occasion

烈火遇柴---点就着对应英文:Fire in Chai - point is a

我是干柴遇到小火苗,一点就着,火势不断变大…对应英文:I connect a small fire, a little, the fire growing...

每天都给他看到不一样的你自己,也要让他觉得你和别的女生不一样,另外要开朗一点,温柔一点。小鸟依人一点,可爱一点就是要在女生里很出众,很特别,这样他才会注意你,经常...对应英文:Every day he saw not the same as your own, but also to let him feel that you and the other girls do not like, in addition to open a little, a little tenderness. The bird a little, a little cute is very outstanding, the girls are very special, so he will pay attention to you, always...

干柴遇上烈火,就一发不可收拾了,激情燃烧。。对应英文:Dry wood in fire, a get out of hand, burning passion..

形容孤男寡女在一起,欲火焚身难以控制,就像干柴碰上烈火一样。对应英文:Describe needing together, flames of passion is difficult to control, like wood with fire like.

、干柴遇烈火,那叫明骚湿柴遇小火苗,那才是闷骚。 、我要做个下载软件,名字叫掩耳,因为迅雷不及掩耳。 、电梯到站"叮"的一声好像微波炉声,走出一堆半生不熟的人。...对应英文:In case of fire, kindling, called the Ming Sao wet firewood in a small fire, it is show. , I want to make a download software, the name of their ears, because the eyepiece. The elevator arrived, "bite" sound like microwave ovens, out of a pile of halfcooked people. ...


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