

来得早不如来得巧对应英文:Just in time

, .对应英文:,

他是一个俗语,由劳动人民口口相传而形成的对应英文:He is a proverb, formed by working people pass from mouth to mouth

早早的来了,可是他来得不是时候,帮不了什么或是我等的人不是他,来了也是白来。而有些人正好不早不晚,在我需要的时候就出现了,派上了用场,帮了我的忙。呵呵,差不多通俗...对应英文:The early years, but he came at a bad time, can't help what or me and other people not to him, is white. And some people just do not early not late, appeared in my time of need, come in handy, help me. Oh, almost popular...

俗语,说明来的正是时候对应英文:Saying, that come just in time

迟干不如早干 是说做事要抢先机 把握机会 蛮干不如巧干 是说做事要讲究方式方法,一件事情固然有多种做法,但毕竟有一种是最好的,所谓殊途同归,但有一条路是最短的对应英文:Fast dry as early stem is said to work the first machine opportunity foolhardy as Qiao Gan is said to work should pay attention to methods, one thing is a variety of practices, but after all, one is the best, the same, but one is the shortest path

整句话就是说早点开始做比晚做好,不经思考去做不如想写方法找捷径去做好对应英文:It is said that starting early than late to do, without thinking to do not want to write a method to find shortcuts to do

早早的来了, 可是他来得不是时候,帮不了什么或是我等的人不是他, 来了也是白来。 而有些人正好不早不晚,在我需要的时候就出现了,派上了用场,帮了我的忙。 呵呵,差不多...对应英文:The early years, but he came at a bad time, can't help what or me and other people not to him, is white. And some people just do not early not late, appeared in my time of need, come in handy, help me. Oh, almost...

其实,真的仅仅是碰巧而已,这个和数学的规律还是有很大差距的,他们可能都是因为不堪忍受生活的重负,一时想不开才会这样的吧!最好还是等到年再看,毕竟他们也不是我们...对应英文:In fact, it is only the chance, this and the law of mathematics is a large gap, they may be because the unbearable burden of life, spur of the moment will be like this! It is better to wait until the year again see, after all, they are not our...

它的香气能解除繁秽,更让人怜爱的是它的细叶可以抵御风霜。根扎在在密石边上秋天早早的开了花,一丛丛叶子靠着修竹有中午的阴凉。我想弄来蘼芜香草与它共在堂下,那就经...对应英文:Its aroma can relieve numerous dirty, more let a person of love is that it leaves can resist wind and frost. Roots were in dense stone on the edge of the early autumn flowers, clumps of leaves by Xiuzhu at shade. I want to get to Mi Wu vanilla and it in church, then the...

-/-. 这首歌是闽南童谣是用福建话唱的,不知道楼主听的懂吗对应英文:-/-. this song is Taiwanese nursery rhyme is sung by Fujian dialect, the landlord does not know to understand it

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