

一分辛劳一分才对应英文:A hard one to

勤能补拙是良训勤奋可以弥补不足,这是前人留下的有益的告诫。 只要付出一分辛苦,就能收学到一分能力对应英文:Qinnengbuzhuo is good training diligence can make up for the shortage, which is beneficial warned predecessors left. As long as you pay a hard, can accept learn one ability

勤奋可以弥补不足,是良好的古训,只有付出一分辛苦,才能获得一分知识和才能。对应英文:Hard work can make up for the shortcomings, is a good old saying, only to pay a hard, to get a knowledge and ability.

一分辛苦一分才。.问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。.路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。.生当作人杰,死亦为鬼魂。对应英文:A hard one before. If you ask me how much my sorrow has increased, just see the overbrimming river flowing east! The way ahead is long; I see no ending, yet high and low I’ll search with my will unbending. At birth, death is also a ghost.

纪昌学射 甘蝇是古代出名的神箭手。只要他一拉弓,射兽兽倒,射鸟鸟落。飞卫是甘蝇的学生,由于勤学苦练,他的箭术超过了老师。有个人名叫纪昌,慕名来拜飞卫为师。飞卫对...对应英文:Ji Chang school shooting Gan fly is the ancient famous marksmen. As long as he pulled the bow, shoot Shoushou, shooting the birds birds fall. Fly Wei is the sweet fly by students, study and train hard, his archery over a teacher. There was a man named Ji Chang, attracted to worship the fly defend teacher. Fly defend to...

一份辛苦一份才 译 勤奋可以弥补不足,这是前人留下的有益的告诫。 只要付出一分辛苦,就能学到一分能力 那些缺乏天赋、缺乏悟性的人,那些缺乏成功条件的人,只要勤学苦...对应英文:A hard a that diligence can make up for the shortage, which is beneficial warned predecessors left. As long as you pay a hard, can learn a lack of talent, lack of understanding ability of those people, those who lack the conditions for successful people, as long as the hard work...

华罗庚对应英文:Hua Luogeng

什么都是可以学会的。不断的努力实践,积累经验,那么,就会成为你所付出汗水为之努力的领域的人才。对应英文:What can be learned. Try to practice, the continuous accumulation of experience, then, will become your sweat for the efforts of the talents in the field of.

你好!笨鸟先飞多劳多得有得必有失。希望能对你有所帮助。谢谢!对应英文:Hello! The slow need to start early. works has must have loses. I hope you can help. Thank you.

一份辛苦一份才 译 勤奋可以弥补不足,这是前人留下的有益的告诫。 只要付出一分辛苦,就能收学到一分能力 那些缺乏天赋、缺乏悟性的人,那些缺乏成功条件的人,只要勤学...对应英文:A hard a that diligence can make up for the shortage, which is beneficial warned predecessors left. As long as you pay a hard, can accept learn a lack of talent, lack of understanding ability of those people, those who lack the conditions for successful people, as long as you...

一份辛苦一份才 译 勤奋可以弥补不足,这是前人留下的有益的告诫。 只要付出一分辛苦,就能收学到一分能力 这是华罗庚说的 .对应英文:A hard a that diligence can make up for the shortage, which is beneficial warned predecessors left. As long as you pay a hard, can accept learn one ability that is Hua Luogeng


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