

百姓利益无小事对应英文:No matter the interests of the people

真正的为百姓利益着想和服务的好领导好干部 现在有几个 焦裕禄在中国不就一个么对应英文:The real thinking and service for the interests of the people of good leadership cadres there are now several Jiao Yulu in Chinese not a Mody

花了几个中午匆忙地看完了《落实责任无小事》一书,其中的一些言语充满了智慧,给人以启迪,如果细品更能悟出...总书记说"群众利益无小事。","以人为本"的口号不只是挂在嘴...对应英文:Took a few hastily finished at noon "responsibility is no small matter" one book, some words which are full of wisdom, to give people inspiration, if goods can realize... He said "no matter the interests of the masses. "," people-oriented "slogan is not just hanging in the mouth...

我们基层公务员每天都要直接和老百姓打交道,所谓百姓利益无小事,每天都是东家长李家短的事情一大堆,都需要我认真去处理,其中遇到一些突发或者紧急事件,就更需要很谨慎...对应英文:Our civil servants every day to direct and old people dealing with, no matter the interests of the people, every day is the East patriarch Li Jiaduan things a lot, all I need to deal with, which encountered some unexpected or emergencies, the need for more cautious...

解题思路 思路一我认为应该将小区居民的请求汇报给领导。因为首先,百姓利益无小事,更何况菜市场关系到众多家庭,且每天都必须面对。如果菜市场能早一天建成则可以使...对应英文:Thinking thoughts I think should be the residents request report to the leadership. Because first of all, the interests of the people is no small matter, let alone the vegetable market in relation to the family, and have to face every day. If the markets had built a day can make...

但是在报案报警的人眼里就是大事了,有时候老百姓是寻求个主心骨、有时候是寻求个公正、有时候是真的需要帮助。急群众之所急、想群众之所想、群众利益无小事。不是大家...对应英文:But in the eyes of reporting alarm people is a major event, sometimes people are seeking a backbone, sometimes is to seek a fair, sometimes really need help. Radical masses, the masses would like to think, no matter the interests of the masses. Not everyone...

我们要辩证的去看,一件事必定有两方面,体育工作,关系到老百姓的健康,群众利益无小事,我们必须高度重视。对应英文:We must dialectical to see, one thing must have two aspects, physical education, related to people's health, no matter the interests of the masses, we must attach great importance to.

促进了中非的友好与合作,在您倡导的构建和谐社会下,人民的生活质量大大提高,百姓利益无小事,我国的国民经济更是得到了迅猛的发展。但是胡爷爷,您知道么,总有一些极少...对应英文:Promote the non friendly and cooperative, in your advocacy of constructing harmonious society, people's life quality greatly improved, no matter the interests of the people, the national economy of our country is developed rapidly. But grandpa Hu, you know, there are always some little...

可以到当地信访科,或市县级的信访局,或当地广播电视管理局,反映他的情况,而得到这个群众利益相关的大事,百姓事情无小事吗,对不对。对应英文:Can go to the local Office of Letters and Visits, or city, County Bureau of letters and calls, or local administration of broadcasting and television, reflecting his situation, and the masses of the event, people no matter what things, right.

""群众利益无小事。凡是涉及群众的切身利益和实际困难的事情,再小也要竭尽全力去办。"当胡锦涛同志在"七一...也许电视机前的老百姓早已感动落泪了。"群众利益无小事"平平...对应英文:"" no matter the interests of the masses. Usually involves the vital interests of the masses and actual and difficult issue, again small also want to strain every nerve to do. "When Comrade Hu Jintao in" seven one... Maybe the old front of the TV people were moved to tears. "No matter the interests of the masses" flat...

"百姓利益无小事"--大众百姓的贴心人   "不想做将军的士兵,不是好士兵"--培养人才的沃土   安徽经济生活频道   第一时间(重播)- (周二) -节目提醒  ...对应英文:"The interests of the people is no small matter" -- people caring people "do not want to do general the soldier, is not a good soldier" fertile soil for cultivating talents -- Anhui economic life the first time (replay) - (Tuesday) - program reminding...


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