

心潮逐浪高对应英文:The tide of my heart swells with the waves

眼见江水滔滔,不知为了何事快速向前奔流、翻滚、逝去,而我的心情是如此的平静,再也激不起丝毫的雄心壮志与流水相争。(**)嘻嘻,就是这样啦~望采纳哦对应英文:Seeing the river surging, I do not know why fast forward, tumbling, died, and my mood is so quiet, again also did not lofty ideals and high aspirations and water with the slightest. (* *) hee hee, this is ~ hope to adopt

『把酒酹滔滔,心潮逐浪高!』面对着滚滚东去的江水,他立誓要同反动势力斗争到底,一腔难以抑制的革命激情,就...追逐着浪潮一浪高过一浪!在这之后,大革命失败了,党中央召开...对应英文:"The wine to the surging waves, an upsurge of high!" in the face of billowing east of the river, he vowed to work with the reactionary forces to fight to the end, the revolutionary passion difficult to suppress a cavity,... Chasing a surges wave upon wave! After that, the failure of the Great Revolution, the CPC Central Committee was held...

毛泽东对应英文:Mao Zedong

江山如此多娇,飞雪迎春到 是郭沫若的对应英文:This land so rich in beauty flying snow welcomes spring's return. Guo Moruo

读"累"对应英文:Read "tired"

最后二行诗人把酒酹江以抒壮志,涌动的心潮如澎湃的波涛,越来越感受到一种急迫地想立即置身于中心的强烈愿望(因当时共产党处境维艰,国民党占有上风),诗歌在...对应英文:The last two lines of the poet to express the aspirations of wine to the river, surging emotions such as the surging waves, also more and more feel an urgent desire to want to immediately in the center (because at that time the Communist Party struggled, the Kuomintang has the upper hand),  poetry in...

黄鹤知何去 剩有游人处。 把酒酹滔滔, 心潮逐浪高!对应英文:The yellow crane is gone, who knows whither? Only this tower remains a haunt for visitors. I pledge my wine to the surging torrent, the tide of my heart swells with the waves.

凌波曲对应英文:Ling Boqu

心潮逐浪高。流水心不竞。 水,至清,至美.从一勺,至千里.利人利物,时行时止. 刘禹锡《叹水》 水皆缥碧,千丈见底。游鱼细石,直视无碍。急湍甚箭,猛浪若奔。 问君能有几多...对应英文:The tide of my heart swells with the waves. Water heart not. Water, to the Qing Dynasty, to the United States. From a spoon, to thousands of miles. The Amorites, seasonal time. Liu Yuxi "with water" water all misty blue, bottomed out. Small stone fish, look no harm. What streams threaten arrows, fierce waves if rush. Q-how can...

心潮逐浪高 感情系真情,爱情丝万缕。 人潮胜江潮,心潮逐浪高 兴奋加勤奋,振奋图国强。 人潮胜江潮,心潮逐浪高 花香化芳香,情香艳无垠。对应英文:Emotionally by waves of true feelings, love silk ten thousand wisp. The crowds Sheng Jiang Chao, emotionally by waves excited and diligence, inspiring figure guoqiang. The crowds Sheng Jiang Chao, emotionally by waves of flowers aromatic, sweet colourful boundless feeling.


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