

吃水不忘打井人对应英文:People did not forget to water wells

"年,毛主席带领身边工作人员在当地打了一口水井,为附近的群众解决了饮水问题。解放后,沙洲坝人民给这口井取名为"红井",并在井边立了纪念碑,上书"吃水不忘挖井人...对应英文:"Years, Chairman Mao led the staff in the local hit a water well, solved the problem of drinking water for the people nearby. After the liberation, the people gave Shazhouba this well known as "red", and set up a monument in the edge of the well, a letter to "draft does not forget who dug the well...

吃水就是指饮水,主要是告诉我们做人要懂得在你享受成果的同时,不要忘了给你创造成果的人,指做人要懂得饮水思源。对应英文:Draft refers to water, mainly tells us everyone should know how to enjoy the fruits of your at the same time, don't forget to create the results of people to you, that everyone should know how to drink from the source.

黄越峰《在灿烂阳光下》 著名作曲家印青谱曲(集体创作贺慈航执笔) 从小爷爷对我说,吃水不忘挖井人。 曾经苦难才明白,没有共产党, 哪有新中国。从小老师教我唱, 唱支山...对应英文:Huang Yuefeng "music in the brilliant sunshine" composer printed on green (author collective creation he Cihang) from Grandpa said to me, do not forget who dug the well water. Once the suffering that, without the Communist Party, which is the new China. From the teacher taught me to sing, sing a mountain...

吃水不忘挖井人告诉我们做人要懂得在你享受成果的同时,不要忘了给你创造成果的人,指做人要懂得饮水思源。铭记在心即对某人某事记在心中,印在记忆里,永远不忘记。对应英文:Draft does not forget who dug the well tell us everyone should know how to enjoy the fruits of your at the same time, don't forget to create the results of people to you, that everyone should know how to drink from the source. Bear in mind that sb on sth in mind, in the memory, never forget.

吃水不忘挖井人,时刻想念毛主席对应英文:Draft does not forget who dug the well, Miss Chairman Mao

所以村民们在喝那口井里的井水的时候不要忘记了,他们能喝上水,是因为毛主席帮他们挖井,所以一定要记住毛主席的大恩大德.二层毛主席让我们全中国人民过上了幸福快乐的...对应英文:So the villagers not to drink the well water forget, they can drink water, because of Chairman Mao to help them well, so be sure to remember Chairman Mao's great kindness. Two layers of Chairman Mao let us all Chinese people lived a happy...

答案饮水思源对应英文:The answer to show

王霞 黄越峰《在灿烂阳光下》对应英文:Wang Xia Huang Yuefeng "in the brilliant sunshine"

饮水思源对应英文:When one drinks water, one must not forget where it comes from

《吃水不忘挖井人》   在江西省瑞金城外,有个叫沙洲坝的小村子。毛主席当年领导革命的时候,曾住在那里。...几天后,一口五米深的水井就挖好了。   为了使井水更洁净,...对应英文:"Draft does not forget who dug the well outside the city of Ruijin" in Jiangxi Province, a small village in shazhouba. When Chairman Mao was the leader of the revolution, who lived there. ... after a few days, a five meter deep wells dug up. In order to make the water clean,...


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