

峣峣者易折对应英文:Yao Yao Yi Zhe

峣峣,形容高峻皎皎,形容洁白。高峻的东西容易折损,洁白的东西容易沾污对应英文:Yao Yao, describe the tall white, as white. Tall thing easy to break, white things easy to stain

过于干净洁白容易变污过于坚硬刚强容易折断非常辨证的说法对应英文:Too clean white easy to become dirty too hard and easily broken very dialectical view

高的东西容易折损,干净的东西容易变污浊。(意思是树大招风)能唱阳春白雪的,本来就少,名声常是大于实际才能的。对应英文:High things easily damaged, clean things easy to become dirty. (mean fall) can sing spring snow, was less, reputation is often greater than the actual ability.

峣峣者易缺,皎皎者易污",语出《后汉书黄琼传》。语本《后汉书·黄琼传》"峣 峣者易缺,皦皦者易污。《阳春》之曲,和者必寡盛名之下,其实难副。" 翻一下字典,"皎",...对应英文:Yao Yao to lack, the immaculate stains easily ", derived from" after the Han Huang Qiong. ". The "language of Han Huang Qiong." "Yao Yao to lack, Jiao Jiao are easy to pollution. The song "spring", and must remain under fame, a liar. "Look at the dictionary," jiao",...

高的东西容易折损,干净的东西容易变污浊。(意思是树大招风)对应英文:High things easily damaged, clean things easy to become dirty. (mean fall)

峣峣者易缺,皎皎者易污",语出《后汉书•黄琼传》。语本《后汉书·黄琼传》"峣 峣者易缺,皦皦者易污。《阳春》之曲,和者必寡盛名之下,其实难副。" "皎",指玉...对应英文:Yao Yao to lack, the immaculate stains easily ", derived from" after the Han Dynasty, Huang Qiong. ". The "language of Han Huang Qiong." "Yao Yao to lack, Jiao Jiao are easy to pollution. The song "spring", and must remain under fame, a liar. "" Jiao ", refers to the jade...

就是同类或伙伴的意思,译为现在的话就是"朋友"。人太精明了就没有伙伴没有朋友,因为精明者往往容不得他人有小小的过错或性格上的小小差异,他过分要求与一己的同一或者...对应英文:Is the same or mate, translated into now is "friends". People are too smart and no partner, no friends, because the smart often does not allow others have little difference in small fault or character, he is demanding and own the same or...

意思是树大招风。原句应是"峣峣者易折,佼佼者易污。"出自《后汉书》。峣峣,形容山高。佼佼美好出众的样子。对应英文:What is the fall. The original sentence is "Yao Yao easy to fold, easily the best pollution. "From the" Houhanshu ". Yao Yao, describe the. Beautiful outstanding appearance.

峣峣,形容高峻皎皎,形容洁白。高峻的东西容易折损,洁白的东西容易沾污。对应英文:Yao Yao, describe the tall white, as white. Tall thing easy to break, white things easy to stain.

--《说文》泰山之高不嶕峣。--《汉书·扬雄传》表峣阙于阊阖。--张衡《西京赋》犹峣峣也,至高之貌。--《白虎通》. 又如峣峥(高峻)峣槔(危高貌)峣榭(高台)峣阙(皇宫...对应英文:-- "Shuowen" Taishan high Bujiao Yao. -- "Han Yang Xiong" table Yao que to the gate of heaven. -- Zhang Heng "Xijing Fu" and Yao Yao also, the highest profile. -- "Baihu Tong". And as the Yao Zheng (Gao Jun) Yao (crisis in high profile) Yao Pavilion (high) Yao que (palace...


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