

气人有笑人无对应英文:A man without a smile

你将整句分开读就知道意思了 气人/有笑/人无 这里的气人意思是嫉恨别人 有笑的意思是活得很开心的样子 这里的人无指的是自己却过的不开心。 大体的意思就是嫉妒别人比...对应英文:You will be the sentence read apart to know the meaning of the word / laugh / no here. Meaning is jealous of others laugh mean live very happy people here no refers to itself is not happy. The idea is to envy others...

那就应该做得比他好,让他心里更清楚自己的能力,但不要去学他的冷嘲热讽.如果说他做得比你好,就应该虚心学习,我们应该尊敬他,也是尊敬我们自己!对应英文:It should do better than him, let him know more about their abilities, but not to study his a dig. If he do better than you, you should be ready to learn, we should respect him, but also to respect our own!

这种人就是典型的"红眼病患者"心理变态,这种朋友可以不交。对应英文:This is a typical "red eyed disease" psychological allergy, this friend can not pay.

忍忍吧,生活中千奇百怪的人太多了,更何况她还是你亲戚,不看僧面也得看佛面。对应英文:Bear with it, all sorts of strange things in life too many people, but she still your relatives, don't see saki would have to see the buddha.

气人有是嫉妒,笑人无可能是无奈、自卑,亦或许是自大,自负心理对应英文:Irritating there is jealousy, the man without a smile can be helpless, inferiority, also perhaps is arrogant, conceited psychology

应该不只是中国这样吧我觉得这个是人类的通病对应英文:Should not only Chinese so I think this is a very human

何必去在乎你不在乎的人不要去理他对应英文:Why you don't care about people not to him

何必去在乎你不在乎的人 不要去理他对应英文:Why you don't care about people not to him

哪里像国外呀!我们落后很多我们没什么文化修养,而且还是人口大国,哪像有些小国他们从小就觉得是国家的一大分子,每个人都关注自己国家,国际上的事比我们都了解,不过下...对应英文:Where a foreign ah! We are behind a lot we haven't what culture, but also a country with a large population, which like some small they always think that is a molecular state, everyone concerned about their own country, the international business to understand than us, but...

的办法,我不知道,我只知道,对于这样的上司,除了不去理会她,也没什么太好的办法,因为,无论你怎么样去做,她都有话说,那种会扯老婆舌的女人,相信上级也知道她这样的人,不...对应英文:By the way, I don't know, I only know that, for such a boss, in addition to ignore her, didn't what good solution, because, no matter what you do, she says, that will pull wife tongue woman, believe that superior also know people like her, don't...


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