

丑妻家中宝对应英文:Ugly wife home treasure

丑妻,相貌一般的女人,因为自己相貌一般,不会嫌弃自己的老公,抱怨世界的不公,不会做越轨的事情,放心 近地,离自己家比较近的田地,我家就是种地的,离的近很方便,不用整天...对应英文:Ugly wife, average woman, because of their general appearance, will not abandon his husband, complain about the unfairness of the world, not deviant things, at the ground, from his home near the land, my house is the farmer, from near very convenient, need not all the day...

应该是丑妻近地家中宝。 丑妻一般都很贤惠,家里又放心,不怕她有外遇 近地,是离自己家近的地,自己能看得到,不怕别人搞阴谋夺去 。 它们虽然不是最好的,但是作用很大,...对应英文:Should be ugly wife near home treasure. Ugly wife general are virtuous, home and rest assured, afraid she was having an affair near, is closer to home, you can see, not afraid of other conspiracy away. Although they are not the best, but the effect is very big,...

近地,是离自己家近的地,自己能看得到,不怕别人搞阴谋夺去 。对应英文:Near, is closer to home, you can see, not afraid of other conspiracy away.

家中宝,只要贤惠,懂得礼数,尊老爱幼,不在邻里倒是非,对家里老人好,对你知冷知热,是贤内助或外面的半边天,都是宝。性格乖张,嘴里尖酸刻薄,再丑也不是宝。对应英文:Family treasure, as long as the virtuous, well mannered, and not in the neighborhood, it is non -, home to the old man, you Zhilengzhire, is half the sky virtuous wife or outside, is a treasure. His eccentric personality, sarcastic ridicule, ugly is not treasure.

丑妻一般都很贤惠,家里又放心,不怕她有外遇 薄地没有别人看得上,不怕别人搞阴谋夺去 它们虽然不是最好的,但是作用很大,又放心 所以是宝 其实是种自嘲的说法对应英文:Ugly wife general are virtuous, home and rest assured, afraid she was having an affair with no one else to look at, not afraid of other conspiracy claimed they though not the best, but the effect is very big, and rest assured it is treasure is actually a kind of self deprecating argument

丑妻近地家中宝... 金钱莲花落 丑妻近地家中宝,骆驼单走罗锅桥。你走你的阳关道,我走我的独木桥。那兔子不吃,窝边草(一落莲花,一朵梅花),这山望着那山高(噎么嘿,...对应英文:Ugly wife near home treasure... Money Lianhualao ugly wife near home treasure, camel single walk arched bridge. You go your way, I go mine. The rabbit don't eat, nest side grass (a lotus, a plum), the grass is always greener (choke you hey,...

"丑妻近地家中宝"也是一句民间俗语,是人们对社会现象的总结,无具体的来历和起源典故。"丑妻近地家中宝"的意思是妻虽丑而不招惹是非,一般不会红杏出墙,而且往往能干贤...对应英文:"Ugly wife near home treasure" is a folk saying goes, is that people summarize to the social phenomenon, no origin and origin story concrete. "Ugly wife near home treasure" means that the wife is ugly but provoke non, generally will not There was a red plum tree., and often do xian...

知道诸葛老兄不,人家媳妇就不靓,但他就当宝,为啥咧。.人家人丑心不丑啊,善良才是最宝贵的,会真心对你好。家里家外都会照顾好,也不会很作。你省心。.老婆丑的话,你上...对应英文:Know that Zhuge guy not, family daughter-in-law is not pretty, but he just as treasure, why. The ugly heart. Family not ugly ah, good is the most precious, be sincere to you. Home will take good care of, will not be made. You worry. . wife is ugly, you...

妻子好不好与容貌无关,关键在于是否贤惠。对应英文:His wife is good or not has nothing to do with appearance, the key lies in whether the virtuous.

由提问者-- 选出 丑妻近地家中宝。家有丑妻,可真是男子的一大福分! 丑妻大都是贤妻良母,特别守家,特别孝顺贤惠,每日里操持家务,孝敬公婆,相夫教子,只知...对应英文:The questioner which ugly wife near home treasure. A ugly wife, is really a good man! Ugly wife mostly as an understanding wife and loving mother, especially at home, especially filial virtuous, Aio Noriko every day doing housework, her father, only know...


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