

士为知己者死对应英文:James died for firstly

"士为知己者死",纵观姜维一生,正是这句话最忠实的注脚。 刘备白帝托孤时对阿斗说"汝事丞相如父。"而事实上后主与诸葛亮之间却远无"相父"一词表面的亲近,可能是毕竟有...对应英文:"For friends who are dead", in Jiang Wei's life, this sentence is the most faithful. "You said Cheng Xiangru father of Liu Bei's baby white. "But in fact after the main and Zhu Geliang far without" father "close to the surface of a word, may be after all...

去看《史记.刺客列传》,全是的。荆柯、高渐离、豫让、聂政…等等对应英文:To see the "records of the historian. Assassin biography", all of the. Jing Ke, Gao Jianli, Yu rang, niezheng... Wait

"士为知己者死,女为悦己者容"――――这是一条流传颇广的一条古训,反映了一种"提携玉龙为君死"的知恩图报精神。尤其是中国的知识分子,一方面洁身自好,"凤非梧桐不栖"...对应英文:"For friends who are dead, female for Yue oneself person look" -- this is a fairly wide spread of an old adage, reflects a "carrying ERON king and die" the spirit of gratitude. Especially China intellectuals, hand clean, "Feng non plane not habitat"...

"士为知己者死,女为悦己者容"――――这是一条流传颇广的一条古训,反映了一种"提携玉龙为君 死"的知恩图报精神。尤其是中国的知识分子,一方面洁身自好,"凤非梧桐不栖...对应英文:"For friends who are dead, female for Yue oneself person look" -- this is a fairly wide spread of an old adage, reflects a "carrying ERON king and die" the spirit of gratitude. Especially China intellectuals, hand clean, "Feng non plane not habitat...

俗话说士为知己者死、妇为悦己者容,这反映了一个人的感恩心理。你在你的主管的帮助下得到重用,说明你能干,而且你的主管因为有了你这些能干的部下,所以得到了提升。...对应英文:As the saying goes for friends who are dead, women who have capacity for Yue, it reflects a person's psychological thanksgiving. You get to reuse your supervisor's help, you do, and your supervisor because of you the competent staff, so the promotion. ...

与朋友交而不信乎传不习乎" 不患人之不己知,患不知人也 人在逆境里比在顾境里更能坚强不屈,遭厄运时比交好运时更容易保全身心。 --雨果 人的生命似洪水在奔流,不遇...对应英文:And my friends don't believe almost not learning "don't worry that other people don't know, who do not know people in adversity than in Gu Jing Li can be firm and inflexible, bad luck than good luck more easily when preservation of body and mind. Hugo lives in torrential floods, do not meet...

应为"士为知己者死,女为悦己者容," 语出《战国策·赵策》"晋阳之孙豫让事知伯,知伯宠之,及赵襄子杀知伯,豫让逃山中,曰'嗟呼!士为知己者用,女为悦己者容,吾其报智氏矣...对应英文:Should be "for friends who are dead, female for Yue oneself person look," the phrase "Warring States" Zhao Ce "due to the sun and let things know", know "the pet, and Zhao Xiangzi known to kill Bo, Yu rang out in the mountains, Japan ''s call! Who was friends with, female for Yue themselves, I quote Zhi's...

尤其是知识分子,一方面是洁身自好,"凤非梧桐不栖"一方面是士为知己者死,如诸葛亮为了报答刘备的"三顾"之恩,辅佐后主,鞠躬尽瘁,成为古代知识分子向往、倾慕的典范。对应英文:Especially intellectuals, hand is clean, "Feng non plane not habitat" is for friends who are dead, such as Zhu Geliang in return for Liu Bei's "three of" grace, his main work, after, has become a model for ancient intellectuals, admiration.

不是典故,所以没有具体化。 左伯桃与羊角哀可为经典对应英文:Not the allusions, so there is no specific. Zuo Botao and the Yanggakdo sorrow for the classic

"女为悦己者容,士为知己者死",他们为了报答他人的知遇之恩,就不惜生命、刚烈永诀,为朋友赴汤蹈火、义无反顾,他们身上体现的古代英雄节义、精神价值,永远让后世感佩仰...对应英文:"Women who have capacity for Yue, for friends who are dead", they in order to repay others autobiography, even at the expense of life, in part, for the friends, proceed without hesitation, they embody the ancient heroes of righteousness, spiritual value, always let us back later...

俗语士为知己者死shì wèi zhī jǐ zhě sǐ是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/132.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

  晋毕阳之孙 豫让,始事范中行氏而不说,去而就知伯,知伯宠之。及三晋分知氏, 赵襄子最怨知伯,而将其头以为饮器。豫让遁逃山中,曰:“ 嗟乎!士为知己者死,女为悦己者容。吾其报知氏之雠(通“仇”)矣。”乃变姓名,为刑人,入宫涂厕,欲以刺襄子。襄子如厕,心动,执问涂者,则豫让也。刃其曰:“欲为知伯报仇!”左右欲杀之。赵襄子曰:“彼义士也,吾谨避之耳。且知伯已死,无后,而其臣至为报仇,此天下之贤人也。”卒释之。豫让又漆身为厉,灭须去眉,自刑以变其容,为乞人而往乞,其妻不识,曰:“状貌不似吾夫,其音何类吾夫之甚也。”又吞炭为哑,变其音。其友谓之曰:“子之道甚难而无功,谓子有志,则然矣,谓子知,则否。以子之才,而善事襄子,襄子必近幸子;子之得近而行所欲,此甚易而功必成。”豫让乃笑而应之曰:“是为先知报后知,为故君贼新君,大乱君臣之义者无此矣。凡吾所谓为此者,以明君臣之义,非从易也。且夫委质而事人,而求弑之,是怀二心以事君也。吾所为难,亦将以愧天下后世人臣怀二心者。”   居顷之,襄子当出,豫让伏所当过桥下。襄子至桥而马惊。襄子曰:“此必豫让也。”使人问之,果豫让。于是赵襄子面数豫让曰:“子不尝事范中行氏乎?知伯灭范中行氏,而子不为报仇,反委质事知伯。知伯已死,子独何为报仇之深也?”豫让曰:“臣事范中行氏,范中行氏以众人遇臣,臣故众人报之;知伯以国士遇臣,臣故国士报之。”襄子乃喟然叹泣曰:“嗟乎,豫子!豫子之为知伯,名既成矣,寡人舍子,亦以足矣。子自为计,寡人不舍子。”使兵环之。豫让曰:“臣闻明主不掩人之义,忠臣不爱死以成名。君前已宽舍臣,天下莫不称君之贤。今日之事,臣故伏诛,然愿请君之衣而击之,虽死不恨。非所望也,敢布腹心。”于是襄子义之,乃使使者持衣与豫让。豫让拔剑三跃,呼天击之曰:“而可以报知伯矣。”遂伏剑而死。死之日,赵国之士闻之,皆为涕泣。

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