

人在画中游对应英文:In the middle reaches of the painting

人在画中游",这句话是什么意思 我们坐上小船在碧波上游荡,看到两岸美丽的景色,我们就像在美丽的画中游览一样。 其实就是一种意境全诗如下 《周庄河》 清风拂绿柳, ...对应英文:In the middle reaches of the painting ", what is the meaning of this sentence we sat on the boat in the sea around, to see the beautiful scenery, we like to travel in the beautiful painting. In fact is a kind of artistic conception of the poem is as follows "Zhuanghe week" breeze willow,...

就是图画的意思。句意 人好像就是在一幅画中游玩一样。对应英文:Is the picture. B. people like play in a painting.

全诗如下 《周庄河》 清风拂绿柳, 白水映红桃。 舟行碧波上, 人在画中游。对应英文:The poem is as follows "Zhuanghe week" breeze willow, white Shuiying hearts. The boat Bibo, the people in the middle painting.

《周庄河》王维 清风拂绿柳, 白水映红桃。 舟行碧波上, 人在画中游。对应英文:"Zhuanghe week" Wang Wei breeze willow, white Shuiying hearts. The boat Bibo, the people in the middle painting.

我们坐上小船在碧波上游荡,看到两岸美丽的景色,我们就像在美丽的画中游览一样。对应英文:We take the boat on the blue waves around, to see the beautiful scenery, we like to travel in the beautiful painting.

王维 清风拂绿柳, 白水映红桃。 舟行碧波上, 人在画中游。对应英文:Wang Wei breeze willow, white Shuiying hearts. The boat Bibo, the people in the middle painting.

舟行碧波上, 人在画中游。 关于作者,有两种说法,第一种,说是唐代王维的诗 王维,字摩诘,唐太原祁州(今山西省祁县)人,田园诗派代表.他写了大量山水田园诗,意境优美,言辞...对应英文:The boat Bibo, the people in the middle painting. About the author, there are two versions, the first, said Wang Wei of the Tang Dynasty poem of Wang Wei, post, Tang Taiyuan uniflorum (now Shanxi Qixian) people, pastoral poetry. He wrote a lot of landscape and pastoral poems, graceful, words...

其实就是一种意境 全诗如下 《周庄河》 清风拂绿柳, 白水映红桃。 舟行碧波上, 人在画中游。对应英文:In fact is a kind of artistic conception of the poem is as follows "Zhuanghe week" breeze willow, white Shuiying hearts. The boat Bibo, the people in the middle painting.

游,是游览的意思,因景色太美,而像是一幅画,人在景色中徜徉便仿佛像是在画卷中游览。对应英文:Tour, visit the meaning, because the scenery is so beautiful, like a painting, people wandering in the scenery in imitation of Buddha is the tour on the scroll.

人在画中游,果然是一首好诗呀~! 造句太简单了,写个文章吧 这一路,"舟"车劳顿,"行"走在这茫茫的草原,"碧"蓝的天,...对应英文:In the middle reaches of the painting, it was a good poem ah ~! Sentence is too simple, write an article on the road, "the boat" van Laughton, "walking" in the vast grassland, "Bi" blue sky,...


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