

条条大道通罗马对应英文:All roads lead to Rome

虽然条条大道通罗马,但你必需从基层干起。对应英文:Although all roads lead to Rome, but you must start from the basic level.

凭借着维基百科,你也能快速的找到一条了解数学基本原理的途径,条条大道通罗马。对应英文:With the Wikipedia, you can quickly find a way to understand the basic principles of mathematics, all roads lead to Rome.

条条大道通罗马,我见过许多没有按照我建议的某些规则去做的场合,但仍然能够成功地维护集群。对应英文:All roads lead to Rome, I have seen many not according to some rules I suggest to do occasions, but still be able to successfully maintain cluster.

凭借着维基百科,你也能快速的找到一条了解数学基本原理的途径,条条大道通罗马。对应英文:With the Wikipedia, you can quickly find a way to understand the basic principles of mathematics, all roads lead to Rome.

条条大道通罗马,我见过许多没有按照我建议的某些规则去做的场合,但仍然能够成功地维护集群。对应英文:All roads lead to Rome, I have seen many not according to some rules I suggest to do occasions, but still be able to successfully maintain cluster.


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