

牢骚太盛防肠断对应英文:Beware of heartbreak with grievance overfull

三十一年还旧国, 落花时节读华章。 牢骚太盛防肠断, 风物长宜放眼量。 莫道昆明池水浅, 观鱼胜过富春江。 "牢骚太盛防肠断,风物长宜放眼量",是全诗的主旨,意在针对柳...对应英文:Back in the old capital after thirty-one years, at the season of falling flowers I read your polished lines. Too many grumbles are bad for health. It is better to be broadminded in the world. Mo Dao Kunming water shallow, fish than the Fuchun River. "Get sick about prevention, long to look", is the theme of the poem, is intended for liu...

三十一年还旧国,落花时节读华章。     牢骚太盛防肠断,风物长宜放眼量。     莫道昆明池水浅,观鱼胜过富春江。   前四句是回首往事,回忆过去的情...对应英文:Back in the old capital after thirty-one years, at the season of falling flowers I read your polished lines. Too many grumbles are bad for health. It is better to be broadminded in the world. Mo Dao Kunming water shallow, fish than the Fuchun River. The first sentence is looking back, memories of the past...

"牢骚太盛防肠断,风物长宜放眼量。"出自(毛泽东的《赠柳亚子先生》) 原句的意思是人生往往会遭到很多困扰与烦恼,主要是来自于自己。说明一个人要淡泊名利。 我们虽有...对应英文:Too many grumbles are bad for health. It is better to be broadminded in the world. "(" from Mao Zedong's Mr. Anagi Ako ") it is life tends to be a lot of trouble and worry, mainly from their own. That a person should be indifferent to fame and wealth. Although we have...

牢骚太胜防肠断,风物长宜放眼量。莫道昆明池水浅,观鱼胜过富春江。其中"牢骚太盛防肠断,风物长宜放眼量。"一句的意思是说"牢骚太过于强烈,就要当心堤防肠断,永远应...对应英文:Complain too - pain prevention, long to look. Mo Dao Kunming water shallow, fish than the Fuchun River. The "get sick about prevention, long to look. "A word to mean" too too strong, it is necessary to take care of the pain, should always...

牢骚太盛防肠断牢骚满腹,肠易断,也就是别牢骚太多风物长宜放眼量看待事务一定要有远见,看的远!对应英文:Get sick about prevention have broken, irritable, don't complain too long to look see things must have foresight, to see far!

毛泽东写诗挽留,"牢骚太盛防肠断,风物长宜放眼量"就是其中两句。这两句针对柳亚子诗中流露出来的不正确的看法和牢骚情绪,提出委婉和诚挚舶规劝。毛泽东以老朋友的身份...对应英文:Mao Zedong wrote poems to stay, "get sick about prevention, long to look" is one of two. These two for revealed in Liu Yazi's poetry is not correct views and grumbling mood, the ship with euphemism and sincere. Mao Zedong to old friends...

三十一年还旧国, 落花时节读华章。 牢骚太盛防肠断, 风物长宜放眼量(à)。 莫道昆明池水浅, 观鱼胜过富春江。 防预防。 风物,风情,风俗事物,这里代指一切事物。 ...对应英文:Back in the old capital after thirty-one years, at the season of falling flowers I read your polished lines. Get sick about prevention, long to look (à). Mo Dao Kunming water shallow, fish than the Fuchun River. Prevention prevention. Customs, customs, customs things, here referring to everything. ...

牢骚太盛防肠断,风物长宜放眼量对应英文:Too many grumbles are bad for health. It is better to be broadminded in the world

牢骚太盛防肠断 七律·和柳亚子先生 毛泽东 一九四九年四月二十九日 饮茶粤海未能忘, 索句渝州叶正黄。 三十一年还旧国, 落花时节读华章。 牢骚太盛防肠断, 风物长宜放...对应英文:Get sick about prevention Qilv, and Mr. Liu Yazi Mao Zedong April 29, 1949 Guangdong can not forget the tea, cable sentence Yuzhou Ye Zhenghuang. Back in the old capital after thirty-one years, at the season of falling flowers I read your polished lines. Get sick about prevention, long to put...

"牢骚太盛防肠断,风物长宜放眼量。"出自(毛泽东的《赠柳亚子先生》) 意思是人生往往会遭到很多困扰与烦恼,主要是来自于自己。说明一个人要淡泊名利。对应英文:Too many grumbles are bad for health. It is better to be broadminded in the world. "(" from Mao Zedong's Mr. Anagi Ako ") means the life tends to be a lot of trouble and worry, mainly from their own. That a person should be indifferent to fame and wealth.


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