

无利不起早对应英文:No not early

首先对象要非常爱睡觉,在有利益驱使的情况下才愿意起早,这是贬意词,我们不能随便用到卖早点啊姨身上对应英文:The first object to love to sleep, in the interest driven circumstances be willing to get up early, this is the magic word, we can not use the aunt who sold earlier

"好处","起早"泛指"加班加点"--无利可图就不会加班加点。反过来说,谁特别忙乎,谁就在起劲地追逐利益。对应英文:"Good", "early" refers to the "overtime" -- unprofitable wouldn't work overtime. Conversely, who is very busy, who pursue interests lustily.

"无利不起早"是个中性词语,形容人的自私心理,如果起得早没有什么好处,谁又会去起早呢在很多情况下,起早是辛苦的,特别是在寒冷的季节里,从暖烘烘的被窝里出来,走到一个...对应英文:"No not early" is a neutral word, describe the human selfishness, if you get up early does not have what advantage, who will go up early. In many cases, up early is very hard, especially in the cold season, out of a warm bed, go to a...

中文的意思是如果没有利益就不起的早,还是早起的鸟儿有虫吃一类的 如果是第一个 /. 如果是第二个 ....对应英文:Chinese mean if no interest will not get up early, or the early bird catches the worm type if the first. If second...


呵呵,我问你几个问题 既然你认为全部的一切都是为了利益,那么,你妈妈照顾你是为了什么利益 你爸爸关心你是为了什么利益 朋友有求于你你抱着这种心态能交什么朋友...对应英文:Ha ha, I asked you a few questions since you think everything is to benefit, so, your mother take care of you for what interests you father cares about you to what interest friends for you you hold this attitude can make what friends...

修真第一人对应英文:The first person to fix true

中文的意思是如果没有利益就不起的早,还是早起的鸟儿有虫吃一类的 如果是第一个 /. 如果是第二个 . ...对应英文:Chinese mean if no interest will not get up early, or the early bird catches the worm type if the first. If it is second...

生肖-猪对应英文:Zodiac - pig

绝对是鼠起的最早,因为它们都是晚上作业,白天睡觉的。按时间上算过了凌晨就是第二天,那时是鼠最活跃的时候。对应英文:Is absolutely rats at the earliest, because they are working at night, sleep during the day. According to the time, after the morning is second days, that's when rats were the most active.


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