

学而优则仕对应英文:Learning and optimal is shi
学而优则仕,拼为xué ér yōu zé shì,指学习成绩优秀然后提拔当官。出自《论语•子张》。

学而优则仕。对应英文:Learning and optimal shi.

国家的管制政策、“学而优则仕”的官本位价值取向是财政供养人口庞大的制度和文化根源;对应英文:State control policy, can foster "learning" ranking of value orientation is a large population of fiscal support system and cultural roots;

中后期吏治腐败、官场黑暗,大批文人感到仕途无望,对“学而优则仕”的观念开始质疑。对应英文:Late bureaucracy corruption, dark officialdom, a large number of scholars felt hopeless, his political idea of "can" learn to question.

国家的管制政策、“学而优则仕”的官本位价值取向是财政供养人口庞大的制度和文化根源;对应英文:State control policy, can foster "learning" ranking of value orientation is a large population of fiscal support system and cultural roots;

中后期吏治腐败、官场黑暗,大批文人感到仕途无望,对“学而优则仕”的观念开始质疑。对应英文:Late bureaucracy corruption, dark officialdom, a large number of scholars felt hopeless, his political idea of "can" learn to question.

俗语学而优则仕xué ér yōu zé shì是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/108.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

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