

治大国如烹小鲜对应英文:Governing a large country such as cooking a small fish

"治大国如烹小鲜"原文为"治大国,若烹小鲜"。这是老子的一句话,出自《道德经》第六十章。 关于这句话是什么意思,有各种各样的解释。一种解释说,小鲜是很嫩的,如果老是...对应英文:"Governing a large country such as cooking a small fish" to "rule powers if cooking a small dish". This is me a word, from the "moral" chapter sixtieth. About what is the meaning of this sentence, there are a variety of interpretation. One explanation says, small fish is very tender, if always...

治大国如烹小鲜"原文为"治大国,若烹小鲜"。这是老子的一句话,出自《道德经》第六十章。 关于这句话是什么意思,有各种各样的解释。一种解释说,小鲜是很嫩的,如果老是翻...对应英文:Governing a large country such as cooking a small fish "to" rule powers if cooking a small dish ". This is me a word, from the "moral" chapter sixtieth. About what is the meaning of this sentence, there are a variety of interpretation. One explanation says, small fish is very tender, if always turn...

我以前也把"小鲜"理解为"小菜一碟",实际上是错了。鲜,是指鱼。有下厨经验的人都  知道,煎小鱼最忌多翻动...这么再看"治大国若烹小鲜",是形容难还是容易,就一清二楚了-...对应英文:I also take "small fresh" as "a piece of cake", is actually wrong. Fresh, means the fish. Have the kitchen of experience knows, fried fish most avoid turning more... So look "rule powers if cooking a small dish", describe a difficult or easy, will be crystal clear...

治理大国应该象烹小鱼一样小心、动作轻,烹小鱼一不小心动作一大就会把鱼弄烂,治理大国也应该一样,统治者不要三天两头搞什么运动,不要动不动去折腾老百姓,不要轻易干涉...对应英文:Governing a large country should be like cooking fish as carefully, the action of light, cooking fish accidentally moves one will get the fish rotten, governance powers also should be the same, the rulers don't every two or three days what the movement, not to toss people, don't interfere...

治大国如烹小鲜 小鲜,指的是小鱼,烹小鲜就是烹饪小鱼,鱼肉是很松软的,如果在炖鱼的时候,老是翻过来,翻过去的,那么鱼就碎了,不完整了,所以炖鱼的时候,鱼不要翻太多次,...对应英文:Governing a large country such as cooking a small fish small fish, refers to the small fish, cooking a small dish is cooking fish, fish is very soft, if the fish's time, always turn, turn over the past, so fish is broken, not complete, so when the fish, fish don't turn too many times,...

治大国若烹小鲜 【解释】鲜 鲜美的食物味美的食物。本句的字面意思是"治理大国就像烹调美味的小菜一样"。 治大国若烹小鲜 治理大国就好像烹调小鱼,油盐酱醋料要恰...对应英文:Administering Powers if cooking a small dish [explain] fresh delicious food delicious food. This sentence is the literal meaning of "governing a large country like cooking delicious dishes". Administering Powers if cooking a small dish governing a large country like cooking fish, daily necessaries material to it...

实际意义,第二种,就是治大国,抓主要矛盾,象温总这样凡事亲力亲为,是不对的,只要抓好制度,用好手下人,地震时,温总不去都行。对应英文:The actual significance, second, is the governing a large country, grasping the principal contradiction, such as Wen everything dear dear to force, is wrong, as long as the grasping system, with good people, earthquake, Wen not to do.

便是应用的一例,因为无为,所以简单,即便所治为万乘之国,与烹小鱼也没太大区别了。刻意硬去从烹饪方面领会...当时如果老子举的例子是治大国如同烧开水,治大国如果削苹果,...对应英文:One example is the application, because inaction, so simple, even if the rule is a big country, and cooking fish is no big difference. Try hard to understand... From the cooking time if me example is governing a large country like boiling water, administering Powers if apple,...

"治大国如烹小鲜"的条件和关键是下一句"以道莅天下"。只有道布天下了,即天下人都来学习《道德经》,修道修德,当官的"以百姓之心为心",老百姓都不为私利而争斗,和睦相处...对应英文:"Governing a large country such as cooking a small fish" conditions and the key is the next sentence "to the road to the world". Only cloth world, namely the people of the world to learn the "moral", religious virtue, as "heart" to the heart of the people, people are not for personal gain and fight, live together in peace together...

道德经》第六十章中云"治大国,若烹小鲜"。 "小鲜"即小鱼。盖烹饪小鱼不能随意折腾翻动 ,否则就要破碎销形。治理大国和烹小鱼一样,要清静无为,不能政令繁苛。因为一旦...对应英文:The moral "sixtieth chapter" rule powers if cooking a small dish, cloud". "Small fresh" that fish. Cooking fish can't toss flip cover, otherwise you will break pin. Governing a large country and cooking fish, to quietism, cannot decree onerous. Because once...


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