

一条龙服务对应英文:A dragon service
  一条龙服务[one package service] 是把需要集中办理的事项和具有内在关联性的收费、服务及其他事项最   大限度地调度,形成完整的服务链的服务。 是现今服务行业热潮,有利于 保证消费者权益    有时一条龙服务是指,包括吃,住,行,娱,为一体的系列服务。在旅游,休闲,娱乐时,经常参考一条   龙服务标准选择饭店,旅行社等。   总结的说就是把需要

法国,意大利和美国为人们提供电子邮件的打印邮寄一条龙服务。对应英文:France, Italy and the United States provide E-mail print mailing one-stop service for people.

我司专门从事硅橡胶产品, 包括模具的的设计制造,提供一条龙服务!对应英文:Our company is specialized in silicone rubber products, including the design and manufacture of molds, provide one-stop service!

我公司在为用户提供各类成套生产线设计、安装的同时,并提供技术培训、产品工艺配方及生产指导等一条龙服务。对应英文:My company in providing users with all kinds of complete sets of production line design, installation, and provide technical training, production technics directions and production instruction.

我司专门从事硅橡胶产品, 包括模具的的设计制造,提供一条龙服务!对应英文:Our company is specialized in silicone rubber products, including the design and manufacture of molds, provide one-stop service!

我公司在为用户提供各类成套生产线设计、安装的同时,并提供技术培训、产品工艺配方及生产指导等一条龙服务。对应英文:My company in providing users with all kinds of complete sets of production line design, installation, and provide technical training, production technics directions and production instruction.

集包装材料系列、可降解材料系列的生产、加工、销售、贸易及售后服务一条龙服务于一体的综合包装材料公司。对应英文:Set series of packaging materials, degradable materials series of trade and production, processing, sales and after-sales service one-stop service in a body's comprehensive packaging materials company.

提供婚礼用花车、手捧花、场布用花等鲜花一条龙服务,价格合理,超值服务! 婚礼经典MV视频展示。对应英文:Provide the wedding bouquet with floats, hand, field with flowers flowers, such as one-stop service, reasonable price, premium services!

联城公司专业操作水平,真正体现了快捷、准确的一条龙服务,为您缔造一个最佳服务通道。对应英文:City company specializing in the operation level, truly reflects the fast, accurate one-stop services, create a best service for you.

法国,意大利和美国为人们提供电子邮件的打印邮寄一条龙服务。对应英文:France, Italy and the United States provide E-mail print mailing one-stop service for people.

服务理念:提供售前、售中和售后的一条龙服务,全过程把满足客户需求作为企业活动的核心。对应英文:Service idea: provide pre-sale, sale and after-sale one-stop services, the whole process to meet customer demand as the core of business activity.

烟台半岛动画设计有限公司拥有高水准的设计策划人才和经验丰富的印刷跟单团队,从设计到印刷制作一条龙服务。对应英文:Yantai peninsula animation design co., LTD has a high standard of design talent and experienced printing documentary team, from design to printing production through-train service.

公司经过十几年的发展,已形成从设计、制造到安装、调试、达产达标一条龙服务体系。对应英文:The company after years of development, has formed from the design, manufacturing to installation, debugging and reaches producing standard one-stop service system.

公司拥有自己的先进生产流水线,为客户提供裁切、印刷、缝制到包装一条龙服务。对应英文:Company has its own advanced production lines, to provide customers with cutting, printing, sewing and packaging one-stop service.

它通过网络的数据共享和分布处理,提供养路征稽管理工作中的一条龙服务。对应英文:It the data sharing and distribution of processing through the network, provide road ZhengJi management of one-stop service.

是大中小型企业集货运、报关、出口退税、进口代理一条龙服务的最佳选择。对应英文:Is big small and medium-sized enterprise set freight, customs clearance, export tax rebates, the best choice of the import agent services.

提供园区内用户“一条龙服务”,包括通关,税务与会计,会议设施、销售和营销服务。对应英文:Provide user "one-stop service" in the park, including customs clearance, tax and accounting, conference facilities, sales and marketing services.

我们为广大客户提供一条龙服务,并与国内外各个原材料商精诚合作,为客户做到低成本、高质量的工程。对应英文:We provide one-stop service for the customers, and cooperate with the various raw materials at home and abroad business, for clients to achieve low cost and high quality of engineering.

公司长年为各界客户提供高难度水处理技术咨询、设计制造、安装调试、人员培训等全方位、高质量的一条龙服务。对应英文:Company products to provide customers from all walks of life difficult water treatment technology consulting, design, manufacture, installation and debugging, staff training, etc, of high quality one-stop service.

设计、制版、印刷、到出成品一条龙服务。对应英文:Design, plate making, printing, to finished product one-stop services.

集产品开发初期的设计与制作到量产模具的开发与制造一条龙服务。对应英文:At the early stage of the product development design and production to mass production mold development and manufacturing one-stop services.

在上海地区绿化设计和绿化施工及销售一条龙服务确立了一定的市场地位。对应英文:In Shanghai area green design and green construction and sales through-train service established a certain market position.

具备从模具开发瓶型设计,丝印图案设计到吹瓶,印刷一条龙服务。对应英文:Have bottle type from the mold development and design, logo printing design to bottle blowing, printing one-stop service.

公司提供从产品设计、模具设计、模具制造、试模、模具验收、送货、二次加工一条龙服务。对应英文:Companies from product design, mold design, mold manufacturing, test, mould acceptance, delivery, secondary processing one-stop service.

苏州工商注册、咨询、验资一条龙服务苏州博众企业管理有限公司专业做代理记账,报税。对应英文:Suzhou industrial and commercial registration, consulting, capital verification services co., LTD. Suzhou bo the enterprise management professional do bookkeeping agency, declare dutiable goods.

提供机械的咨询、调试、 维修及故障处理一条龙服务。对应英文:Provide advisory machinery, debugging, maintenance and fault processing one-stop service.

婚庆公司提供多种婚礼模式及全备服务,包括有喜宴预订,菜式安排及婚纱礼服租售等一条龙服务。对应英文:Wedding company provides various wedding mode and perfect services, including the wedding banquet reservation, dishes and wedding dresses lending &selling.

本店实行一条龙服务,保您称心如意。对应英文:Our comprehensive service, protect you contentment.

承接会议用房,餐饮、娱乐一条龙服务;对应英文:Undertake meeting room, catering, entertainment one-stop services;

深圳机场贵宾厅为客人提供尊贵的接机、送机、候机一条龙服务。对应英文:Shenzhen airport VIP room provides guests with noble pick up, send machine, waiting a dragon service.

假如既设置了洗碗机,又配置了消毒柜,实现洗刷一条龙服务,则可以使整体厨房使用起来更方便。对应英文:If both set up a dishwasher, and configure alexipharmic ark, realize wash one-stop services, can make whole kitchen use rise more convenient.

本酒店为您提供吃,住,行,娱,游,购等全方位一条龙服务,实为您下榻的最佳选择。对应英文:The hotel provides you with eat, live, line, entertainment, travel, purchase such all-round one-stop service, it is the best choice for you staying.

承蒙社会各界的鼎立支持,本企业已成为陶瓷行业较具规模的集生产、销售和进出口一条龙服务的大型企业之一。对应英文:Great support by all circles of the society, the enterprise has become a set of ceramic industry production, sales and import and export one-stop service of one of the large enterprises.

在全国设立了60多个办事处,形成售前售后一条龙服务网络,为用户提供快捷的优良服务。对应英文:Across the country set up more than 60 offices, form the pre-sale services network, provide users with fast and good service.


  在农业科技方面,“七特棉”、“八强棉”两大品牌系列棉种于2007年开始实行“一条龙服务”(one package service),目前在河北省沧州吴桥县、衡水景县、故城县、枣强县、冀州市、邢台清河县、平乡县、邯郸广平县等试点县市,开展由各地县乡服务站站长亲自跑到棉农的田间地头服务,给棉农传授最新、最简单实用的技术,配套专用农资产品,初步实现了一个月打药两遍,地里害虫看不见”和“一亩地增产200斤籽棉”,收到广大棉农的极大好评。

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