

百世修来同船渡对应英文:Best to repair the same boat

十年修的同船渡,百年修得共枕眠对应英文:Ten years to repair the same boat crossing, hundred years repair Sleeping sleep

佛说前世修行百年才会和你心爱的人同乘一船,修行千年才能成为夫妻! 但是为了我今生的幸福~~我情愿改信基督教!!!对应英文:Buddha said the past hundred years before practice and your loved one by a ship with, can become a couple thousand years! But to my happiness ~ ~ I am willing to christianity!!!

·"百世修来同船渡,千世修来共枕眠"《增广贤文》 ·"十年修得同船渡,百年修得共枕眠"《义妖传》对应英文:"Best to repair the same boat, the repair to the pillow sleep" kind "," augmented "ten years mend cultivate crossing, hundred years repair Sleeping sleep" righteousness "demons"

百世修行方能换来我与你同船而渡,千世修行方可换来与你共枕而眠。这是诗人感叹红颜易老,韶华不再。同时也在表达对恋人的珍爱。这是个人见解,希望能采纳对应英文:Best practice for me and you can ship and ferry, thousands of spiritual world can return with your bed. This is the poet plaints Confidante easy old, time is no longer. Also in the expression of love lovers. This is a personal opinion, hope to adopt

后经明末清初士人增补而成)"百世修来同船渡,千世修来共枕眠。" 电视剧《新白娘子传奇》的插曲《渡情》的词作者陈自为把这句话改为"十年修得同船渡,百年修得共枕眠"...对应英文:After the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty scholar additions) "bes to repair with the boat, the repair to the pillow sleep. "TV series" The Legend Of White Snake "episode" Du love "word author Chen Ziwei put this sentence into" ten years mend cultivate crossing, hundred years repair sleeping sleep"...

是许多世修来的福分。 一百世的修行,能让你们一起渡船(相遇)。 一千世的修行,才能修得同床共枕。 注意这里的"百世"、"千世"并非就是指一百、一千世,都是用来说明"...对应英文:Many of the world's repair to the blessings. One hundred the world practice, can let you to ferry (met). One thousand the world practice, to fix bed. Note that the "best", "thousands of the world" is not referring to one hundred, one thousand, are used to illustrate the"...

是因为前一百世积德修来的结果,而能同床共枕,有做夫妻的缘分,那就是前一千世积德修来的结果。这"百世"和"千世"不是真的说"百"和"千",而是说很多年,而千世是比百世还要...对应英文:Because of the good repair to the one hundred world, to bed, do a couple of fate, that is before the one thousand world good repair to the results. The "best" and "thousands of the world" is not really say "hundred" and "thousand", but said that for many years, and thousands of the world is more than the bes...

百世修来同船渡,千世修来共枕眠。"只是电视剧《新白娘子传奇》的插曲《渡情》的词作者陈自为把这句话改为了"十年修得同船渡,百年修得共枕眠"对应英文:Best to repair the same boat, the repair to the pillow sleep. "Only a TV" The Legend Of White Snake "episode" Du love "word author Chen Ziwei put the word for" ten years mend cultivate crossing, hundred years repair sleeping sleep"

代表着二人相遇是很珍重的事情,会结婚也是一种缘分,要好好珍惜 并不像楼主说的那样。。。对应英文:Represents two people meet is a treasure thing, marriage is a kind of fate, to cherish and be unlike the landlord said...

《白蛇传》里的"千年等一回"对应英文:"White Snake" in the "Long Expecting"


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