

病无高人说药方对应英文:Disease without an expert said

但是,如果你有病了 无论你的 贫贱 富贵 给你治病 说药方的好心人还是有的. 大意 应该是这样吧!对应英文:However, if you are sick whether you are rich or poor to treat you well intentioned people said prescription or some. It should be so!

人贫穷了不会有人来给你送钱,人如是病了可能有人会告诉你治病的方法。 达士明智达理之士。对应英文:Poverty not someone to send you money, who is ill people might tell you a cure. Charles Robert Wise said.

这是句谚语,应该做"黄芩无假,阿魏无真" 黄芩和阿魏都是中药材的名字, 不过黄芩遍地都是,非常普遍,所以在药材行里买黄芩不会买到假货,这么普通的东西,没有人拿...对应英文:This is a proverb, "Scutellaria should do no false, without really ferula" Scutellaria and ferulic are Chinese herbal medicine name, but the baicalin is everywhere, very common, so in line to buy medicine Scutellaria not Maidaojiahuo, so ordinary things, no one...

" 清 吴伟业 《赠陆生》诗"狡狯原来达士心,栖迟不免文人病。" "贫无达士将金赠"的"这个"达士"是发达有钱人的意思。对应英文:"Wu Weiye" a terrestrial "poem" cunning mind heart qi later not original, literati disease. "" the poor will not Dashi gold gifts "of" the "mind" is developed rich meaning.

主药都是和胃病相关的!!是药分毒!大副作用没有,小的也不易查出!! 消化性溃疡之疼痛剧烈,遇寒而发者,常用制川乌克、肉桂克、乳香克、九香虫克、高良姜克,常可应手...对应英文:The main drugs and stomach related!! is the drug toxic side effects! No, small is not easy to find!! the pain of peptic ulcer in the violent, cold hair, commonly used Radix Aconiti Preparata g, G, frankincense, nine grams of cinnamon incense worms g, Takara Jiangke, can often be...

精神病的中药治疗并不是对所有类型的精神疾病都有效,而且多数只能缓解症状,抗精神病药物的治疗是主要的.对应英文:Psychiatric treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is not for all types of mental disease are effective, and most can only alleviate the symptoms, treatment with antipsychotic drugs is the main

、滋肾降糖方 治疗糖尿病的中药方,组成生地克,茯苓克,山药克,花粉克,枸杞子克,元参、丹皮、知母、泽泻、牛膝各克 用法水煎服,日剂。 功效滋肾养阴、...对应英文:Chinese medicine, kidney nourishing hypoglycemic Decoction "in the treatment of diabetes, composition of raw land, Poria grams, Yama Yakuke, the pollen grams, medlar grams, Radix Scrophulariae, Cortex Moutan, Rhizoma Anemarrhenae, Oriental waterplantain rhizome, Achyranthes each gram of usage Shuijianbi, daily agent. Effect of nourishing kidney yin,...

而你的这个方子,却当成了活血化瘀,破坚攻伐的药。对于肝硬化患者来说这就叫做雪上加霜。 山甲、三棱、莪术、鳖甲、田七等倍,若对付肠梗阻、肿瘤之类还算对症,而对于肝...对应英文:While you have this prescription, but for promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, broken hard attack drug. For it is one disaster after another in patients with liver cirrhosis. Pangolin, trigonous, zedoary, turtle shell, etc. Tianqi times, if the deal with bowel obstruction, tumor like is symptomatic, while for the liver...

方剂名称 降糖方 组成 生黄芪克,生地克,苍术克,元参克, 葛根克,丹参克。 功能 益气养阴活血。 主治 气阴两虚型糖尿病。 方解 现代医学将糖尿病分为两...对应英文:Prescription name hypoglycemic side composed of astragalus root grams, raw land, Radix Puerariae Rhizoma Atractylodis g, yuan Canke g, G, Salvia miltiorrhiza. Function of Qi and yin. Treating Qiyinliangxu diabetes. Calcite modern medicine diabetes is divided into two...

克 地骨皮-克 麦冬克 大生地克 夏枯草克 脾胃虚寒者加淮山药克 白术克 红参克 用法每天泡开水饮用(可泡三次) 晚睡一小时前必喝。对应英文:Grams Digupi - grams Ophiopogon g students overcome Prunella grams of spleen deficiency and yam medicine grams Atractylodes grams of red ginseng grams every bubble boiling water drinking (usage can soak three) late an hour ago will drink.


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