

犯天下之大不韪对应英文:Committed against the opinion of the world

对(常和否定词连用)"冒大不韪" 释义不韪不是,错误。去干普天下的人都认为不对的事情。 出自《左传·隐公十一年》"犯五不韪而以伐人,其丧师也,不亦宜乎"对应英文:On (and often negative.) "risk universal condemnation" meaning not Wei is not wrong. To do all the world think wrong things. From the "hidden Zuozhuan eleven public" "made five not Wei and cutting, the loss of teachers, not all"

不韪不是,错误。去干普天下的人都认为不对的事情。指不顾舆论的遣责而去干坏事。 【出自】《左传·隐公十一年》"犯五不韪而以伐人,其丧师也,不亦宜乎" 【示例】...对应英文:Not Wei is not wrong. To do all the world think wrong things. In spite of the public opinion condemned to do bad things. [from] "hidden Zuozhuan eleven public" "made five not Wei and cutting, the normal bereavement or not, should also be almost" [example]...

同样的还有冒天下之大不韪 字典解释是"犯了天下最大的错误"。同理,滑天下之大稽 也可以解释为"闹了天下最大的笑话。"对应英文:Also be against the world dictionary explanation is "make the world the biggest mistake". Similarly, be the biggest joke in the world can also be interpreted as "make the world the biggest joke. "

是冒天下之大不韪 冒天下之大不韪 à ā à ī à ù é出自《左传·隐公十一年》"犯五不韪而以...去干普天下的人都认为不对的事情。指不顾舆论的遣责而去干坏...对应英文:Is to be against the world be against the world à ā à h à ù é from "hidden Zuozhuan eleven public" "made five not Wei to... To do all the world think wrong things. In spite of the public opinion condemned to do bad...

冒天下之大不韪 发音 à ā à ī à ù é 释义 不韪不是,错误。去干普天下的人都认为不对的事情。指不顾舆论的遣责而去干坏事。 出处 《左传·隐公十一年》...对应英文:Be against the world pronunciation à ā à h à ù é interpretation not Wei is not wrong. To do all the world think wrong things. In spite of the public opinion condemned to do bad things. The source "hidden Zuozhuan public eleven years"...

字典上的解释"是"的意思,对(常和否定词连用)"冒大不韪" 释义不韪不是,错误。去干普天下的人都认为不对的事情。 出自《左传·隐公十一年》"犯五不韪而以伐人,其丧...对应英文:The dictionary "is" means, to (and often negative.) "risk universal condemnation" meaning not Wei is not wrong. To do all the world think wrong things. From the "hidden Zuozhuan eleven public" "made five not Wei and cutting, the funeral...

冒天下之大不韪词目 冒天下之大不韪 发音 à ā à ī à ù é 释义 不韪不是,错误。去干普天下的人都认为不对的事情。指不顾舆论的谴责而去干坏事。 出处 ...对应英文:Be against the world, be against the world pronunciation à ā à h à ù é interpretation not Wei is not wrong. To do all the world think wrong things. In spite of public opinion to do bad things. Source.

只有"滑天下之大稽",没有"滑天下之大不稽",你是不是和"冒天下之大不韪"搞混了。 "滑天下之大稽"是指非常荒唐,天下没有比这个更滑稽的事了。 "冒天下之大不韪"是指犯了...对应英文:Only "be the biggest joke in the world", not "absurd big not Ji", you Is it right? And "be against the world" mixed up. "Be the biggest joke in the world" is a very absurd, there is no funnier than this thing. "Be against the world" is made...

释义不韪不是,错误。去干普天下的人都认为不对的事情。指不顾舆论的谴责而去干坏事。   示例因为发令...不但留下一个字数最多的汉语成语"冒天下之大不韪",而且留下...对应英文:Paraphrase not Wei is not wrong. To do all the world think wrong things. In spite of public opinion to do bad things. Because the sample... Not only leave a word of Chinese idiom "most be against the world", and leave...

冒天下之大不韪发音 à ā à ī à ù ě释义 不韪不是,错误。去干普天下的人都认为不对的事情。指不顾舆论的谴责而去干坏事。出处 《左传·隐公十一年》"...对应英文:Be against the world pronunciation à ā à h à ù ě interpretation not Wei is not wrong. To do all the world think wrong things. In spite of public opinion to do bad things. The source "hidden Zuozhuan public eleven years""...


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