

富贵定要安本分对应英文:Riches and honour to Aberdeen branch

有儿贫不久,无子富不长。善必寿老,恶必早亡。爽口食多偏作药,快心事过恐生殃。富贵定要安本分,贫穷不必枉思量。画水无风空作浪,绣花虽好不闻香。贪他一斗米,失却半年...对应英文:A child poverty soon, no child rich not long. Good life must be the old, evil will die early. Tasty food is for medicine, quick mind had any fear of life. Riches and honour to Aberdeen, poverty does not need to consider. Draw water calm air to make waves, although not a embroidery. Greed he a bag of rice, lost half a year...

本分成家眠也稳,亏心创业梦何安。 不经历风雨。怎能见彩虹。 当你感到悲哀痛苦时,最好是去学些什么东西。学习会使你永远立于不败之地。 凡事勤则易,凡事惰则难。 没有...对应英文:This is divided into home sleep also stable, entrepreneurial dream how guilty. Does not experience the wind and rain. How can we see the rainbow. When the pain you feel sad, it is best to learn what things. Learning will make you forever remain invincible. All handling is easy, everything is difficult. No.

善必寿老,恶必早亡。 爽口食多偏作药,快心事过恐生殃。 富贵定要安本分,贫穷不必枉思量。 画水无风空作浪,绣花虽好不闻香。 贪他一斗米,失却半年粮。 争他一脚豚,...对应英文:Good life must be the old, evil will die early. Tasty food is for medicine, quick mind had any fear of life. Riches and honour to Aberdeen, poverty does not need to consider. Draw water calm air to make waves, although not a embroidery. Greed he a bag of rice grain for half a year, lost. For he a dolphin,...

爽口的食物吃得多容易生病,高兴过头了容易遭殃,指做需适度。 富贵定要安本分,贫穷不必枉思量。 富贵之人一定要安于本分,贫困的人不必枉费心机。 画水无风空作浪,绣花...对应英文:Tasty food to eat more susceptible to illness, overjoyed to suffer, to make a modest. Riches and honour to Aberdeen, poverty does not need to consider. The wealth of the people must be duty, poor people do not have to rack one's brains in vain. Draw water calm air to make waves, embroidery...

诸如此类。 贫穷自在富贵多忧。 钱财如粪土仁义值千金。 富贵定要安本分贫穷不必枉思量。 花残无戏蝶藻密有潜鱼。 柳絮体媚无骨梅花影瘦有神。 世上岂无千里马...对应英文:And so on. The poor rich much worry free. If money justice value daughter. Rich to poor do not have to consider the aberdeen. The flower residue without drama butterfly algal density potential fish. Liu Mei no bone plum shadow thin body of god. There is no maxima...

爽口食多偏作药,快心事过恐生殃。 富贵定要安本分,贫穷不必枉思量。 画水无风空作浪,绣花虽好不闻香。 贪他一斗米,失却半年粮。 争他一脚豚,反失一肘羊。 龙归晚洞云...对应英文:Tasty food is for medicine, quick mind had any fear of life. Riches and honour to Aberdeen, poverty does not need to consider. Draw water calm air to make waves, although not a embroidery. Greed he a bag of rice grain for half a year, lost. For he a dolphin, lose a elbow sheep. The Dragon Cave cloud by night...

有儿贫不久,无子富不长。善必寿考,恶必早亡。爽口食多偏作病,快心事过恐生殃。富贵定要安本分,贫穷不必枉思量。画水无风空作浪,绣花虽好不闻香。贪他一斗米,失却半年...对应英文:A child poverty soon, no child rich not long. Good and evil will have long life, early death. Tasty food is partial for disease, quick mind had any fear of life. Riches and honour to Aberdeen, poverty does not need to consider. Draw water calm air to make waves, although not a embroidery. Greed he a bag of rice, lost half a year...

爽口的食物吃得多容易生病,高兴过头了容易遭殃,指做需适度。富贵定要安本分,贫穷不必枉思量。富贵之人一定要安于本分,贫困的人不必枉费心机。画水无风空作浪,绣花虽好...对应英文:Tasty food to eat more susceptible to illness, overjoyed to suffer, to make a modest. Riches and honour to Aberdeen, poverty does not need to consider. The wealth of the people must be duty, poor people do not have to rack one's brains in vain. Draw water calm air to make waves, embroidery is good...

善必寿考,恶必早亡。爽口食多偏作病,快心事过恐生殃。 富贵定要安本分,贫穷不必枉思量。 画水无风空作浪,绣花虽好不闻香。 贪他一斗米,失却半年粮争他一脚豚,反失一...对应英文:Good and evil will have long life, early death. Tasty food is partial for disease, quick mind had any fear of life. Riches and honour to Aberdeen, poverty does not need to consider. Draw water calm air to make waves, although not a embroidery. Greed he a bag of rice, lost half his foot a food fight, lose a...

有儿贫不久,无子富不长。善必寿老,恶必早亡。爽口食多偏作药,快心事过恐生殃。富贵定要安本分,贫穷不必枉思量。画水无风空作浪,绣花虽好不闻香。对应英文:A child poverty soon, no child rich not long. Good life must be the old, evil will die early. Tasty food is for medicine, quick mind had any fear of life. Riches and honour to Aberdeen, poverty does not need to consider. Draw water calm air to make waves, although not a embroidery.


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