

五急六受且难受对应英文:Six and five

俗语抓住了"五脊六兽"凶神恶煞、龇牙咧嘴的形象特征,用来形容人的难受的心态与情貌这不是一般的难受,而是...所举旧小说《醒世姻缘传》误成"五积六受"外,清代穆辰公《北...对应英文:They caught the "image features in fidgets" devils, show one's teeth, used to describe a person's mentality and emotion appearance uncomfortable this is not generally uncomfortable, but... An old novels "Xingshi Yinyuan Zhuan" error "Wujiliushou", Qing Mu Chen Gong "north...

我也有过这样的感受,你首先应该静一下,然后慢慢喝点水,因为喝多了咖啡是血液中的糖分升高,这样人会觉得晕,燥热(如果你也这样感觉的话)。劝你下回少喝点,咖啡有可能会...对应英文:I also have had such a feeling, you should first break, then slowly drink, drunk Coffee is elevated blood sugar, so people will feel dizzy, hot (if you feel so.). Advise you next time drink less, Coffee may...

别是自己吓自己 我也偶尔会出现心跳突然急速加快的情况 不过不经常 懒得去管对应英文:Don't be scared himself I occasionally appear heart suddenly rapidly accelerated situation but often do not bother to tube

多吃些补品 补补身体不要累着 多注意休息对应英文:Eat some supplements to her body not tired of paying more attention to rest

、胃镜一定是会难受的! 、越早去排队越好!因为,很多人还不知道,医生做完上一个后并不会很认真清洗消毒胃镜器械就给下一个做的!所以争取排第一个吧! 、别太紧张,分...对应英文:Gastroscope, must be sick!, the sooner the better because the queue!, a lot of people do not know, the doctor finished the last and not very careful cleaning disinfecting gastroscope instruments to do next! So for row first, don't be nervous, points...

您好,像这样的情况,有可能是胃肠炎的,像您这样的情况,最近最好是吃一些软的食物,再就是以粥为主的,不要吃辣的、凉的食物,平时饮食多注意,清淡为好,平时可以吃点花生之...对应英文:Hello, in cases like these, there might be gastroenteritis, like you, recently it is best to eat some soft food, then to porridge, do not eat spicy food, cold food, they eat more attention, light, usually can eat some peanuts...

一瓶没事,一般人一次性喝水不超过就没事,当然以后要小心,慢点喝,毕竟胃部压力一下子大了谁都不爽。对应英文:A bottle of fine, generally no more than nothing of disposable water, of course, be more careful in the future, drink slowly, after all, the stomach pressure at the WHO.

撑着等消化.吃香港喇叭牌正路丸.或香港钓鱼牌肚痛整肠丸.或香港塔牌行军散.以上三种药品名称均是老字号.大陆药店也能买到.不是在为他做广告.用过者皆知.口碑甚好.对应英文:Support and other digestive. Eat Hongkong horn card right pill. Or Hongkong card belly pain Zhengchang pills. Or Hongkong tapai marching powder. More than three kinds of drug names are old shop, pharmacy. Also can buy. Not for him to advertise. Used today. Very good reputation

是风热感冒症状,用中成药银翘解毒丸,每次丸,多喝水,不要吃辛辣刺激的食 物对应英文:Is wind heat cold symptoms, use the traditional Chinese medicine Yinqiaojiedu pills, each pill, drink plenty of water, do not eat spicy food

是胃病了有多长时间了如果是刚开始的话就自己快点买点胃药吃就没事了 时间长的话就得去看医生了对应英文:Is the stomach a long if it is started if I hurry to buy some stomach medicine eat it a long time will have to see the doctor


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