

须下死功夫对应英文:Kung Fu to death

必须努力、坚持,才能飞黄腾达,生活富裕对应英文:To be successful in one's official career, must adhere to,, rich life

当然是了,大部分人的财富都是千辛万苦挣来的对应英文:Of course, most of the wealth is go through untold hardships earned

落不大" "欲求生快活,须下死功夫" "力不到不是财" "一只手不捉两条鱼" "大鸡不吃小鸡米" "宁露屁股不露富" "跑得快,好世界" 一个田螺煞镬汤──、淡而无味。、节俭或...对应英文:Fall is "" desire life happy, be dead "Kung Fu" not to "property" is not a hand does not catch fish "" chicken do not eat chicken rice "" Ning dew buttocks do not reveal the rich "" run fast, good world "a snail brake wok soup --, tasteless and insipid. Thrift, or...

说普通点就是 要想学到一定的境界,不下苦功夫是不行的。比如说像罗伯特,他也不是天生就跑这么快的。不付出哪有回报。不经历过风雨,是见不到彩虹的。刘翔就可以说是惊...对应英文:The common point is to want to learn certain level, without hard work is not enough. Like Robert, he is not born to run so fast. Don't pay which have return. Do not experience wind and rain, is not to see the rainbow. Liu Xiang can be said to be surprised...

~ 好像是这个 意思就是"你打算怎么做"或者"你准备做什么" 应该是这样的 差不多的意思对应英文:~ like this means "how are you going to do" or "what are you doing" should be so much

你什么意思对应英文:What do you mean

暗恋工友忧心忡忡地把她送入医院。医院诊断出大顺身患绝症-癌症,已病入膏肓,却奇怪大顺为何仍然未死,原来是因为大顺有武功底子,内功可以缓延病情。医生又追问大顺受伤...对应英文:Love care-laden workers to put her to the hospital. The hospital diagnosed Dashun terminally ill cancer, has been regarded as hopeless., but strange Dashun why still not dead, the original is because Dashun has Wugong background, skills can delay the disease. The doctor asked the Dashun injured...

要练惊人艺,须下苦功夫。----要下苦功夫 若要戏路通,全靠幼时功。---从小培养兴趣 艺多不压身,艺高人胆大。---知识越多越好,有了学识就是牛人了 百年笛子千日萧,小小...对应英文:To practice the amazing art, must be hard. -- and be hard to play the way, rely on youth work. - from the interest cultivation skill is no burden, bold art expert. - the better knowledge, the knowledge is the expert for a hundred years the flute day Xiao, small...

, , ,对应英文:,,,

"包租公说"阿鬼,你说中文好吗"然后他就死了。 这句话是《铁面无私》里肖恩·康纳利临死前顷尽全力的最后一句话,因为此前他的队友凯文·科斯特纳并没...对应英文:"Public Charter says" ghost, you said Chinese okay "and then he died. This sentence is "be just and stern" Sean Connelly died before the Qing to the last sentence, after his team mate Kevin Costner did not...


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