

一诗千改心始安对应英文:A poem thousand change begins in the heart

遣兴(二十四首选二)袁枚爱好由来下笔难,一诗千改始心安。阿婆还似初笄女,头未梳成不许看。对应英文:Caprice (twenty-four two) Yuan Mei likes to write a poem to the origin, thousand to peace of mind. She is like the initial and female, not plaited into not allowed to see.

袁枚爱好由来下笔难,一诗千改始心安。阿婆还似初笄女,头未梳成不许看。对应英文:Yuan Mei hobby origin writing difficult, a poem thousand to peace of mind. She is like the initial and female, not plaited into not allowed to see.

遣兴 爱好由来落笔难,一诗千改心始安。 阿婆还是初笄女,头未梳成不许看。 桐江作 桐江春水绿如油,两岸青山送客舟。 明秀渐多奇险少,分明山色近杭州。对应英文:Qian Xing is fond of writing a poem to the origin, thousand change begins in the heart. She was first and female, not plaited into not allowed to see. Tong Jiang for the Tong River in spring green such as oil, the two sides of Castle Peak to see the boat. Mingxiu gradually less clear their risks, mountains near Hangzhou.

爱好由来落笔难,一诗千改心始安。   阿婆还是初笄女,头未梳成不许看。   袁枚主张凡优秀之作,往往是作者千锤百炼,去瑕留璧、一诗千改的劳动成果。    六、严谨...对应英文:Write a poem to hobby origin, thousand change begins in the heart. She was first and female, not plaited into not allowed to see. Yuan Mei advocated that all excellent, is often the author thoroughly tempered, results to blemish left Bi, a poem thousand change labor. Six, strict...

五、推敲   遣兴(袁枚)   爱好由来落笔难,一诗千改心始安。   阿婆还是初笄女,头未梳成不许看。   袁枚主张凡优秀之作,往往是作者千锤百炼,去瑕留璧、...对应英文:Five, about you (Yuan Mei) write a poem to hobby origin, thousand change begins in the heart. She was first and female, not plaited into not allowed to see. Yuan Mei advocated that all excellent, is often the author thoroughly tempered, to blemish with bi,...

爱好由来落笔难,一诗千改心始安。 阿婆还是初笄女,头未梳成不许看。 袁枚主张凡优秀之作,往往是作者千锤百炼,去瑕留璧、一诗千改的劳动成果。 六...对应英文:Write a poem to hobby origin, thousand change begins in the heart. She was first and female, not plaited into not allowed to see. Yuan Mei advocated that all excellent, is often the author thoroughly tempered, results to blemish left Bi, a poem thousand change labor. Six.

唐·王绩《野望》 挂林风景异,秋似洛阳春 唐·宋之问《始安秋日》 寒山转苍翠,秋水日潺湲 潺湲流水声。 唐·王维《辋川闲居赠裴秀才迪》 荆溪白石出,天寒红叶稀 这两句...对应英文:The Tang Dynasty, Wang Ji "ambition" hanging forest landscape change, autumn like Luoyang Tang, song "spring" was an autumn's turn green, autumn day flow slowly flow slowly the sound of running water. Tang · Wang "Wangchuan live by our scholar Di" Jing Xibai stone, it leaves the dilute this...

唐.宋之问《始安秋日》中得一句挂林风景异,秋似洛阳春 桂林风景异, 秋似洛阳春。 晚霁江天好, 分明愁杀人。 卷云山角戢角戢, 碎石水磷磷。 世业事黄老, 妙年孤隐沦。...对应英文:Tang Song "was an autumn." in a hanging forest landscape change, autumn like Luoyang spring scenery of Guilin of Luoyang spring, autumn like. Late Ji Jiang Tian Hao, clearly worried. Cirrus Shan Jiao Ji Jiao Ji, stone water phosphorus. The industry. Huang Lao, Miaonian solitary middle. ...

山山唯落晖 唐·王绩《野望》 挂林风景异,秋似洛阳春 唐·宋之问《始安秋日》 寒山转苍翠,秋水日潺湲 潺湲流水声。 唐·王维《辋川闲居赠裴秀才迪》 荆溪白石出,天寒红叶...对应英文:Drop Hui Wei Shanshan, Wang Ji Tang "ambition" hanging forest landscape change, autumn like Luoyang Tang, song "spring" was an autumn's turn green, autumn day flow slowly flow slowly the sound of running water. Tang · Wang "Wangchuan live by our scholar Di" Jing Xibai stone, it leaves...

五、推敲 遣兴(袁枚) 爱好由来落笔难,一诗千改心始安。 阿婆还是初笄女,头未梳成不许看。 袁枚主张凡优秀之作,往往是作者千锤百炼,去瑕留璧、一诗千改的劳动成果。...对应英文:Five, about you (Yuan Mei) write a poem to hobby origin, thousand change begins in the heart. She was first and female, not plaited into not allowed to see. Yuan Mei advocated that all excellent, is often the author thoroughly tempered, results to blemish left Bi, a poem thousand change labor. ...


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