

出淤泥而不染对应英文:The silt but not imbrued
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    chū yū ní ér bù rǎn
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我认为这是朱莉出淤泥而不染的原因。对应英文:I think this is why Julie the silt but not imbrued.

他怎么可能活在如此邪恶的世代却仍出淤泥而不染呢?对应英文:How could he live in such a wicked generation is still the silt but not imbrued?

当然古人也提到了“出淤泥而不染”的现象,可见环境对人的影响还要根据一个人的性格和素质而定。对应英文:Of course the ancients also mentioned the phenomenon of "the silt but not imbrued", visible environment's influence on people based on a person's character and quality.

同时,出淤泥而不染的品性,昭示着主人身份的刚正不阿,独守一份坚持与执着。对应英文:At the same time, the nature of the silt but don't dye, presages a host identity integrity, alone a adhere to and persistent.

当然古人也提到了“出淤泥而不染”的现象,可见环境对人的影响还要根据一个人的性格和素质而定。对应英文:Of course the ancients also mentioned the phenomenon of "the silt but not imbrued", visible environment's influence on people based on a person's character and quality.

芙蓉意象喻示着黛玉质朴率直、高洁净雅、出淤泥而不染的高尚情操。对应英文:Lotus image shows that the dai jade plain blunt, high clean elegant noble sentiment, the silt but not imbrued.

后来,我们学了宋代周敦颐的《爱莲说》,文章赞美荷花“出淤泥而不染”,是“花中君子”。对应英文:Later, we learned a song zhou dunyi "wang", the article praise the lotus "the silt but not imbrued", is "flower of the gentleman".

人们认为他代表自然之力,高贵而古朴,出淤泥而不染,甚至身上还有淡淡的泥土香。对应英文:People think he represents the force of nature, noble and simple, out of the mud without dye, even you have light earth.


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