

近山识鸟音对应英文:Near the mountain know bird sound

所以,这两句话劝人相处应始终讲究礼节,有热情,始终如一。近水知鱼性,近山识鸟音。临近水边,时间长了,就会懂得水中鱼的习性靠近山林,时间长了,就会知道林中鸟儿的习性...对应英文:So, the two words to persuade people should always pay attention to etiquette, enthusiastic, be consistent from beginning to end. Water knows fish, near the mountain know bird sound. Near the water's edge, a long time, will know the water fish behavior near the mountains, a long time, will know the forest birds...

近山识鸟音。" 如果生活在水边,经年累月地观察水中的鱼,那么就能熟悉鱼的性情,同样,如果生活在山上,经年累月地观察山上的鸟,那么就能听懂鸟的叫声。说明要了解一个人...对应英文:Near the mountain know bird sound. "If life in the water, trying to observe the fish in the water for years, so to be able to be familiar with the fish temper, too, if living in the mountains, month after month and year after year to observe the mountain bird, you can hear birds. Explain to understand a person...

如果生活在水边,经年累月地观察水中的鱼,那么就能熟悉鱼的性情,同样,如果生活在山上,经年累月地观察山上的鸟,那么就能听懂鸟的叫声。 说明要了解一个人或一种东西,一...对应英文:If life in the water, trying to observe the fish in the water for years, so to be able to be familiar with the fish temper, too, if living in the mountains, month after month and year after year to observe the mountain bird, you can hear birds. To understand a person or a thing, a...

近山识鸟音",说明要了解一个人或一种东西,一定要接近这个人或这种东西近距离观察 "欲知山中事,须问打柴人",表示要树枝一件事一定要向精于此道的人请教 "百闻不如一见...对应英文:Near the mountain know bird sound ", that to understand a person or a thing, must be close to the people or the things close" to know the thing, must ask the woodcutter ", said to be one thing we must ask the tree" to experienced people seeing is believing...

近山识鸟音",说明要了解一个人或一种东西,一定要接近这个人或这种东西近距离观察对应英文:Near the mountain know bird sound ", that to understand a person or a thing, must be close to the people or the things close observation

说明要了解一个人或一种东西,一定要接近这个人或这种东西近距离观察,亲身实践。对应英文:To understand a person or a thing, must be close to the people or the things close observation, practice.

近山识鸟音。"这句话蕴涵的哲理是()物质决定意识()实践出真知,一切真知源于实践。对应英文:Near the mountain know bird sound. "This sentence contains the philosophy is () () material decides the consciousness of practice, all genuine knowledge comes from practice.

我想应该是说,什么事情都是要深入了才能了解的。就像只有打柴人才能真正了解山中之事。对应英文:I think it should be said, what things are going further to understand. As the only person to really understand the mountains firewood.

在水边居住,就会知道鱼的习性。在山附近居住,就会熟悉鸟的叫声。对应英文:In the residential, will know the habits of fish. Living near the mountain, are familiar with the sounds of birds.

你只有接近一个人才能了解他对应英文:You only get close to a person to know him


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