

抹一鼻子灰对应英文:Get rebuffed when trying to please sb
抹一鼻子灰mǒ yī bí zi huī比喻本想巴结讨好,结果反倒碰个钉子,落得很没趣。清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第67回:“赵姨娘来时,兴兴头头,谁知抹了一鼻子灰,满心生气,又不敢露出来,只得讪讪的出来了。”


名震一时 抹一鼻子灰 莫衷一是 目空一切  南柯一梦 捏一把汗 偶一为之 睥睨一切  平地一声雷 破题儿第一遭 漆黑一团 七次量衣一次…  棋高一着,缚… 铅刀一割 ...对应英文:It gained some fame for a time unable to agree on which is right and meet rejection Nanke dream break into a sweat with fright in the spirit of the occasion overweening a sudden clap of thunder the first time one ever does sth. pitch-dark seven times the amount of clothing at a time... Be superior in stratagem, bound... A leaden knife can cut.

朽木死灰 心如死灰 心灰意冷 心灰意懒 万念俱灰 死灰复燃 色若死灰 抹一鼻子灰 枯形灰心 枯木死灰 灰心丧气 灰心槁形 灰头土面 灰飞烟灭 槁木死灰 焚骨扬灰 吹灰之力...对应英文:Deadwood dying embers Xinrusihui downhearted lose heart All thoughts are blasted. white about the gills with a stirring among the dry bones meet rejection Kuxinghuixin dead-alive get disheartened lose heart link form dusty and dirty in appearance Ashes To Ashes dead trees and cold ashes Fenguyanghui as easy as blowing away the dust...

略逊一筹 罗掘一空 眉毛胡子一把… 眉头一皱,计… 面目一新 名震一时 抹一鼻子灰 莫衷一是 目空一切 南柯一梦 捏一把汗 偶一为之 睥睨一切 平地一声雷 破题儿第一遭 ...对应英文:Slightly inferior Luojueyikong eyebrows and beard... Eyebrows a wrinkly, meter... Take on an entirely new gained some fame for a time first wipe meet rejection unable to agree on which is right in the spirit of the occasion Nanke dream break into a sweat with fright and overweening a sudden clap of thunder acted...

鼻肿眼青 嗤之以鼻 耳满鼻满 横挑鼻子竖挑眼 寒心酸鼻 开山鼻祖 脸青鼻肿 抹一鼻子灰 听人穿鼻 掩鼻而过 一鼻孔出气 掩鼻偷香 鹰鼻鹞眼 一鼻子灰 有鼻子有眼 仰人鼻息...对应英文:Nasal swollen eye green sniff at ear full nose full in various ways with the first person to do sth. Hanxinsuanbi Lianqingbizhong meet rejection disposed of by others like an animal and their noses say exactly the same thing Yanbitouxiang hawk-nosed and vulture-eyed meet rejection with every detail vividly described slavishly dependent...

略胜一筹 略逊一筹 罗掘一空 眉毛胡子一把… 眉头一皱,计… 面目一新 名震一时 抹一鼻子灰 莫衷一是 目空一切 南柯一梦 捏一把汗 偶一为之 睥睨一切 平地一声雷 破题...对应英文:Be a stroke above slightly inferior Luojueyikong eyebrows and beard... Eyebrows a wrinkly, meter... Take on an entirely new gained some fame for a time and meet rejection unable to agree on which is right Nanke dream break into a sweat with fright in the spirit of the occasion and overweening a sudden clap of thunder started...

嗤之以鼻 横挑鼻子竖挑眼 寒心酸鼻 抹一鼻子灰 听人穿鼻 仰人鼻息 掩鼻而过 一鼻孔出气 有鼻子有眼对应英文:Sniff at in various ways Hanxinsuanbi wipe meet rejection disposed of by others like an animal slavishly dependent pass by say exactly the same thing with every detail vividly described

鼻塌嘴歪 鼻息如雷 鼻肿眼青 嗤之以鼻 耳满鼻满 横挑鼻子竖挑眼 寒心酸鼻 开山鼻祖 脸青鼻肿 抹一鼻子灰 听人穿鼻 掩鼻而过 一鼻孔出气 掩鼻偷香 鹰鼻鹞眼 一鼻子灰 ...对应英文:A very ugly face soundly sleep nasal swollen eye green sniff at ear full nose full in various ways with the first person to do sth. Hanxinsuanbi Lianqingbizhong meet rejection disposed of by others like an animal and their noses say exactly the same thing Yanbitouxiang hawk-nosed and vulture-eyed meet rejection...

道高一丈 目空一切 目空一世 眉毛胡子一把抓 面目一新 眉头一皱,计上心来 抹一鼻子灰 莫展一筹 名震一时 莫衷一是 没衷一是 名噪一时 名重一时 年复一年 拈花一笑 南...对应英文:Zhang supercilious Mukongyishi eyebrows and beard grabbed take on an entirely new eyebrows a wrinkly, A stratagem comes to mind. wipe meet rejection Mozhanyichou gained some fame for a time unable to agree on which is right Meizhongyishi enjoy quite a reputation be a celebrity for a time year after year have one mind south...

鼻息如雷 鼻肿眼青 嗤之以鼻 耳满鼻满 横挑鼻子竖挑眼 寒心酸鼻 开山鼻祖 脸青鼻肿 抹一鼻子灰 听人穿鼻 掩鼻而过 一鼻孔出气 掩鼻偷香 鹰鼻鹞眼 一鼻子灰 有鼻子有眼...对应英文:Soundly sleep nasal swollen eye green sniff at ear full nose full in various ways with the first person to do sth. Hanxinsuanbi Lianqingbizhong meet rejection disposed of by others like an animal and their noses say exactly the same thing Yanbitouxiang hawk-nosed and vulture-eyed meet rejection with every detail vividly described...

俗语抹一鼻子灰mǒ yì bí zi huī是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/780.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

mǒ yī bí zi huī

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