

有心插花花不开对应英文:Heart flower without

有心载花花成柳,无心插柳柳成花对应英文:Determined to set flower into willow, willow Liu Cheng flowers

按字来看的话是你有心想插(种)花,但是花却没开,而柳树你没想去插(种)它,但是它却自己长大了寓意你费劲心思想做的事没成功,但并没怎么费心的事却成功了.其中告诉你什...对应英文:According to the word of the words that you want to insert (kind of) flowers, but flowers but did not open, but you don't want to insert willow (kind of) it, but I grew up with the meaning of your thoughts do not succeed, but did not bother to things which tell you success. What...

因此,人们不免要感叹「著意栽花花不发,等闲插柳柳成荫。」典出关汉卿〈包待制智斩鲁斋郎〉第二折的经典名句,人们常以「有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫」记忆之、传诵...对应英文:Therefore, people always sigh "mean to plant the flowers not hair, easily the gander. "Originated from Guan Hanqing 'packages to be cut for wisdom Luzhailang' second fold of the classic line, people often use" determined to grow flowers do not open, no interpolation Yoo Yoo "read memory...

一心想做成的事却没有做成,没有打算会有什么结果的事情却不经意间成功了。事情往往事与愿违。你想干成的不一定就一定能成功,你没有想的也不一定不会出现意外的惊喜。...对应英文:Wanted to do but have not made, not to what will be the result of thing but inadvertently succeeded. Things often backfire. Do you want to do is not necessarily to be successful, you do not want to also do not do not appear unexpected surprises. ...

给予期望很大的东西反而最后收获的是失望。有些事物任其自然发展却效果出乎意料。对应英文:Given the expected great things it finally harvest is down. Exceeding one's expectations some things let it have its swing development effect.

有心栽花花不发,无心插柳柳成阴 有些盆景的花是观赏叶茎的,不会开花,品种选得不对,你再精心培植,它也不会...而心急的人会以为花不开。 而柳树的种植,用枝插就可以成活,...对应英文:Many flowers don't send, willow Liu Chengyin some bonsai flowers are ornamental stems, not blossom, variety selection was wrong, you can carefully cultivated, it is not... But impatient person would think that is not a flower. While willow planted with cuttings, you can survive,...

有些盆景的花是观赏叶茎的,不会开花,品种选得不对,你再精心培植,它也不会开花。另外一种情况是有些花草能...而心急的人会以为花不开。 而柳树的种植,用枝插就可以成活,...对应英文:Some bonsai flowers are ornamental stems, not blossom, variety selection was wrong, you can carefully cultivated, it would not blossom. Another situation is some plants can... And impatient people will think that is not a flower. While willow planted with cuttings, you can survive,...

比喻想做一件事情,花了很大的精力,做了很多努力,但是结果并没能如愿而不经意的事情,反而很顺利的得到好结果。用道家的话说就是指顺其自然,凡事不可强求。从侧面也可...对应英文:Analogy to want to do one thing, spent a lot of energy, made a lot of effort, but the result didn't and casual things, but very well to get good results. Taoist words refers to let nature take its course, things can not be forced. From the side can also be...

一切随缘,顺其自然。对应英文:All along, let it be.

用道家的话说就是指顺其自然,凡事不可强求。从侧面也可以看出柳树具有极强的生命力。   有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫。   其实这是一条哲学,是佛祖留给世人的一...对应英文:Taoist words refers to let nature take its course, things can not be forced. From the side can be seen in the willow has strong vitality. Determined to grow flowers do not open, inadvertently inserted Liu Liu Chengyin. In fact, this is a philosophy, a Buddha's legacy...


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