

掷地作金石声对应英文:With exquisite terms and beautiful tones
掷地作金石声,拼为zhì dì zuò jīn shí shēng,比喻文章词藻优美,声调铿锵。出自《晋书•孙绰传》。

【掷地金声】 金钟罄之类的乐器。比喻文章词藻优美。 金声 .指钲声。 .指钟声。 .指金石声。 .对人声音的美称。 .恭敬的声音。 .比喻美好的声誉。 .指声誉...对应英文:[] Jin Zhongqing extremely elegant and valuable musical instruments like the. The parable rhetoric beauty. Jin Sheng. A moving sound. The bell. The stone sound. The human voice. ". The respectful voice. Parable good reputation. That reputation...

扔到地上会发出响亮的声音。形容诗文优美,声调铿锵。亦作"掷地作金石声"。 好像是起源于晋朝人孙绰自夸自己的《游天台山赋》。对应英文:Throw to the ground a loud voice. Describe the beautiful tone poems, sonorous. Also as "with exquisite terms and beautiful tones". It is originated in the Jin dynasty sun Chuo to boast about his "tour of Tiantai Mountain Fu".

【出自】《晋书·孙绰传》"卿试掷地,当作金石声也。" 【例句】《镜花缘》八十一回"不但独出心裁,脱了旧套并且斩钉截铁,字字雪亮,此等灯谜,可谓掷地有声了。" 【...对应英文:[from] "book of Jin Sun Chuochuan" "Qing trial, as a stone sound. "[.]" Jinghuayuan "eighty-one" not only to create new styles, off the old set of words and resolute and decisive, shiny, such riddles written on lanterns, is extremely elegant and valuable. "[...

晋孙绰作《天台山赋》成,对友人范荣期说"卿试掷地,当作金石声。"范起初不信,打开来一读,果然赞不绝口。事见南朝宋刘义庆《世说新语·文学》、《晋书·孙绰传》。金石...对应英文:Jin Sun Chao as "Ode of Tiantai Mountain", for his friend Fan Rongqi said "you throw, as stone sound. "Van at first not letter, open a read, really be profuse in praise. See things in the Southern Song Dynasty Liu Yiqing "Shi Shuo Xin Yu, literature", "book of Jin Sun Chuochuan". Stone...

然而,这正是散文、抒情散文所应追求的境 界。""凡掷地作金石声的作品差不多总是包含着鲜明的思想、结结实实的思想。有闪光的思 想之焦点,飞跃着不灭的思想之火焰的。...对应英文:However, this is what should pursue the prose, lyric prose realm. "" all with exquisite terms and beautiful tones works almost always contain a clear idea, a solid ideological. A flash of thought focus, leap with eternal ideas of flame. ...

震天动地震动了天地。形容意义重大,声势浩大,也形容声音巨大。 掷地作金石声掷投,扔金石钟磬之类的乐器,声音清脆优美。扔在地上发出钟磬的声音。比喻文辞优美,...对应英文:Shake the universe shocked the world. Describe the significance, great in strength and impetus, also describe sound great. With exquisite terms and beautiful tones thrown, throw the stone bell type instruments, voice clear and beautiful. Throw out the bell in the sound. Figure beautiful diction,...

好文章掷地作金石声,那也许是过于夸张,但必须可以琅琅上口,那却是真的。从这里可以看出,文章的腔调、板眼、感情、气势、抑扬顿挫以及所蕴藏着的意义,都要通过朗诵表达...对应英文:Good article with exquisite terms and beautiful tones, that might be too exaggerated, but must be easy to pronounce, that is true. From here you can see, the accent, orderliness, emotion, style, speak in measured tones and the hidden meaning, to recite expression...

掷地有声--卿试掷地,要作金石声。 清风朗月--谢镇西经船行,其夜清风朗月,闻江渚间估客船上有咏诗声,甚有情致所咏 五言,又其所未尝闻,叹美不能已。 真金百炼--精金百...对应英文:Extremely elegant and valuable -- Qing trial, to Zuojinshisheng. Xie Xi the breeze - ship, the night breeze, there are poems sound passenger estimates Wen Jiang Houzhu, very fantastic poems of five, and they are not I have, let beauty cannot have. Gold: gold hundred hundred...

冤有头债有主 疾雷不及掩耳 海水不可斗量 高不成低不就 掷地作金石声 眼不见心不烦 眼中疔肉中刺 悬羊头挂狗肉 敢怒而不敢言 貂不足狗尾续 割鸡焉用牛刀 强不强以为知...对应英文:My head is the main debt disease mine ears great minds can not be fathomed. underachievement with exquisite terms and beautiful tones out of sight eyes boil a thorn in one's flesh hanging a sheep's head hanging dog dare anger but dare not say mink insufficient dog tail continued why use an ox cleaver a chicken strong think know...

以升量石 玉石同沉 以石投卵 以石投水 以水投石 玉石同碎 燕石妄珍 玉石相揉 玉石杂糅 药石之言 掷地作金石声 作金石声 枕流漱石 助人下石 走石飞沙 枕石寝绳 枕石漱...对应英文:Yishengliangshi Yushitongchen Yishitouluan like throwing stones into the water Yishuitoushi Yushitongsui Yan Shiwangzhen Yushixiangrou Yushizarou unpleasant but needed advice with exquisite terms and beautiful tones Zuojinshisheng live a reclusive life in the countryside Zhurenxiashi windy Zhenshiqinsheng pillow stone wash...



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